Liek, language is, liek, so super important in liek, geemz.
Liek, language is, liek, so super important in liek, geemz.
I just downloaded Angband like 15 minutes ago and then this pops up. I’ll have to check it out. Hopefully it gets a Steam release at some point. Looks like the type of game I’d rather play on my PC for some reason.
Nethack is free, you know.
Opportunistic garbage... So... Pokemon Go.
Now I can perfectly see several other companies, seeing Niantic’s hit with Pokémon Go, trying to launch their own versions o ARG, based on their respective franchises. I can also perfectly see 90% of them being oportunistic garbage.
So if they made it law to create the tool to unlock any iphone it’d be fine? The hangup is not what they did but the reason they do it.
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
Help catch terrorist: BAD
Help catch torrent site owner so you get more iTunes profit: GOOD
Think Different
More precisely his ass is going to get more than just kicked.
He’s a shit person with a bunch of shit friends and they probably all encourage eachother to do this macho bullshit to random strangers.
There’s a reason why paintballers wear masks though. A paintball could easily take out eyes or teeth. I imagine it could do even more damage to a child.
That’s the real crime.
It’s even ballsier than starring your own Kinja comment which is a move I’ve definitely thought of doing.
Yeah he seems like a real winner all around based on that tough guy profile pic.
But we are all cool starring our own Kotaku posts...right?
If someone likes his/her own facebook post, then he/she is nutso.
In the FB screenshot it has “Nathan Cerda and 9 others” showing reactions. Did this guy like his own Facebook post? That’s a baller move.
Yeah let’s ban cars and knives too since those kill more than guns per year too.
Have you READ Kotaku?