Interrupting "well" for the loss. This is Nathan's favorite literary device.
Interrupting "well" for the loss. This is Nathan's favorite literary device.
You lost me at the "interrupting well". In a world with so much insincerity, I find them, well, insincere.
But... I already have Minecraft on PS4. Is this a retail launch?
Interestingly enough, when Dragon Fantasy Book 2 was released, it was sluggish on the PS3 and smooth as fuuuuuuck on the Vita.
Are there no good synonyms for "vignette"?
I hope to God these missions take place in NEW AREAS.
Wow, so you felt the need to disassemble Maddox' whole video? Must have touched a nerve.
FFXII: Lightning Returns? Jesus, no.
Not enough bridges collapsing. 0/10
What about a frame rate improvement???
Who did they steal this one from?
He should probably also keep under wraps the fact that he has a 9/11 room.
Wow... that's pretty volatile, hateful language for someone who wants us to think she's a better person than the culprits.
Is that headline a Real Ultimate Power reference? If so, I love you.
This is why I don't have kids. I'd probably wind up like these two.
Very nice... At 3 FPS ;)
Because they aren't selling consoles?
I love his sparky language. "I didn't buy the franchise." Thanks, asshole. We figured that.
No reason! I'm with it!