
I can’t wait for someone to try to tell me how much better this sounds on their Bluetooth headphones.

I can’t wait for someone to try to tell me how much better this sounds on their Bluetooth headphones.

Exactly. You’ve got bigger issues to deal with.
Almost all every time you’re at the point to tell someone to move, you’ve got a real good reason, and the passenger is being an ass about ignoring the flight attendants.
However, if the passenger is just sure they’re being treated unfairly, they’re not going to win that

The FA’s will certainly attempt to settle disputes, but the the authority on the jet lies with the pilot in command. The FA’s authority is delegated from the pilot.
Some pilots will backup the FA’s call, and some may decide differently.
If a FA tells someone to move to another seat, and they refuse, the pilot is going

Agreed with all of this, with one exception: if the captain/pilot tells you to to move, you move.
If they tell you to do the truffleshuffle, you do it.
Sue them afterwards and win big, but while on a airplane, the pilot is a dictator god. Same with the captain of a ship.
Document everything, get witnesses & video, and

I came here to make this very point.
As zedx79 says, you can use intermissions for dramatic effect as well.
I think the problem is the multiplex: you’re going to have people talking about what will happen in the second half with others who are in line to get pre-movie popcorn.
At least make it an option, and let the

After a storm, cash is king.

I think the part about being showered needs to be in the headline, not just the body:
“Do a Hard Workout (and Shower) Before Getting on a Plane”
You’d think this would go without saying, but we have people putting their bare feet on bulkheads.

I have Minka Aire fans that use a radio control. They have said any smarthome functionality will come by using the Bond devices.
The problem is, Apple Homekit requires “state” information. As in, is the fan on, and what speed if so? Is the light on?
The fans don’t have the ability to report state. When you use the

I have Minka Aire fans that use a radio control. They have said any smarthome functionality will come by using the

That’s a radiotelescope, not an optical one.
People that claim they’re sensitive to EM radiation flock to this place, but it isn’t automatically dark. It’s in the radio quiet zone, not the light dark zone.

I’m not making it about race, I’m making it about terrorism.
Or are you trying to say that white nationalists aren’t terrorists?

You’re right, it isn’t either/or, but there is also only so much attention that will be given.
If lawmakers go for banning types of guns, literally “going after their guns”, the pushback will be severe and will result in little to no progress. We’ve see this play out over and over again.
If they go for things like

I absolutely agree we need better healthcare (Medicare for all would be great).
However, don’t blame this on mental illness. Most of these murderers know what they’re doing.
You’re also onto something about the deep rooted love for guns/gun culture. That is real, and it doesn’t go away overnight. That’s why trying to

Buybacks don’t work.
Most people that have guns want to keep their guns.
Some of those same people can build a functioning shotgun using a board, pipe, rubber band and nail, draw a serial number in sharpie, and make a nice bit of cash churning these out and selling them to be destroyed.
They then take the cash and buy

If the focus is on guns, and not domestic terrorism (specifically, white nationalism), we’re going to end up with another Oklahoma City bombing.
All this talk of how many people were shot in 30 or 60 seconds because of a 100 round magazine pales in comparison to the 168 killed and 680+ wounded IN A SINGLE SECOND from a

I’ll say that I love my computer glasses.
My normal glasses are bifocals. It’s a PITA to get close enough that the reading lens is working right, or far enough that the main lens works.
The computer glasses are 100% arms-length distance prescription with an anti-glare coating.
I’m lost without them, and my eyes aren’t

Just a bit of a customer service tip combined with professional advice: It isn’t the front-line employee’s job to take on the risk of jail time.

Rather than flatly refusing a customer, get your supervisor to make the call for you.
Tell the customer something like “I’d like to get you a drink, but I need to run this to

Fair enough, but even the Settlement Administrator could get an EV-cert.
Domain verification certs are only useful for making sure the data between your device and theirs is encrypted. It doesn’t really make sure the server you’re talking to is legit.

Not only that, but with a domain-owner level verification TLS certificate, not an EV cert.
In other words, all that certificate does is say “We think the people that own this domain are running it”
It doesn’t actually say “This is Equifax’s site”.
I could create https://www.equifaxbreachsettlements.com/ and it would look

It’s not possible if the seats are already sold out and you need to be somewhere for business.

No, the best option is to pay for the bigger seats, or take a car, train, boat or bus.
The only reason airlines get away with this is because we’ve told them, with our wallets, that we really do care more about saving money than being uncomfortable.
Airfare used to be a LOT more expensive, but it was also a LOT more