
FYI, you can get an amateur radio license for free (or $15 at most), and the radios are under $50 that will get you to a repeater that is also free to use, in most places.
There is no longer a requirement to learn Morse code.
Sure, satphone is usually available anywhere outdoors, but there is a cheaper option.

I bought my daughters boy’s cargo shorts because I was sick of this BS.
Now, they’re teenagers and there are body shape reasons this no longer works.
Pisses me right off.
Do all designers just not get this?

Hey, I remember you! How was your 4 hour delay in Atlanta?

“No... I guarantee that they weren’t Douchey McMillionMiles.”
I’m not saying they are. I’m saying they were trying to use their inflated sense of importance based of their miles to treat the person standing at the counter like trash.

“But go ahead and try to make yourself feel superior. “
I wasn’t. I was specifically

“chaos descends in a manner that only LGA can obtain”
I’ve have seen this, and it is accurate. 

“ And yes, if your flight was delayed I assure you there will, in fact, be an angry mob and you don’t want to be anywhere near them.”

OMG yes.

Last time I was in this situation, I walked over to the bar, ordered a beer, and opened my Delta app and confirmed the seat on my replacement flight.
As I did, I listened to the

The normal iPhone earbuds (Earpods?) don’t fit well in my ear and have absolutely no bass unless I press on them. Can anyone confirm if I should expect the same from Airpods? I would assume so.
I ended up with these Avantree headphones which sound great, but constantly get disconnected and are inconsistent on

The normal iPhone earbuds (Earpods?) don’t fit well in my ear and have absolutely no bass unless I press on them.

Same here. I’m going to make sure I do the battery swap before the year is out.

My buddy and I make one with cheddar, bacon, peanut butter, sauteed jalapenos on a pretzel bun.

The best part is that eating it upside-down will actually change the taste drastically.

If using a skillet, absolutely go thin.
However, being America and summer, many of us are using a charcoal grill to properly make the neighborhood drool.
A thicker burger (not crazy thick) cooked medium has more time to get the smoke from the grill in there.
Not only can you not smash on the grill, but if you

Boys are at a much greater risk of a fatal open water drowning than girls, with 84 percent of open water drownings in children ages 0-19 occurring in males.

The one I used was from:

In terms of selling something that just says “Milk”, yes, it has to be from cows.
If it is from a goat, it would be labeled “Goat’s Milk”.
Oddly, I don’t think it is legal to sell human milk. I get that adults would find it gross, but there must be some way to make it safe to sell for infants.

A dictionary is a historic document, not a legal one.
Bourbon has a dictionary definition of:

Words having meaning.
When you are dealing with a product for sale, they have legal meaning.
Why not allow Crown Royal to be labeled bourbon?
I mean, it looks just like it and people use it the same way.

Please try to understand the difference between what is legal and what is moral.
It is almost always legal to take pictures of random people on the street.
Sometimes, sharing those pictures publically is the moral thing to do. Sometimes, it isn’t. 

I’ll believe open offices are effective when all of management are in the same floor plan.
Somehow, offices with closing doors are helpful to them as creative workers, but not for their staff.

Find the local place that trains lifeguards. The American Red Cross has a directory, or you can contact your local parks & rec department. If they have a pool, they’ll know.
Ask them how to get connected to a lifeguard.

Sounds great. Please provide evidence that voter fraud is more prevalent than voter suppression so we can have a facts-based discussion.

I can still remember hearing how embarrassed the daycare worker was when my 3 year old daughter complained that her vagina hurt.
She has literally never heard a child use the anatomically correct word.
Welcome to Indiana!