
Please try to understand the difference between what is legal and what is moral.
It is almost always legal to take pictures of random people on the street.
Sometimes, sharing those pictures publically is the moral thing to do. Sometimes, it isn’t. 

I’ll believe open offices are effective when all of management are in the same floor plan.
Somehow, offices with closing doors are helpful to them as creative workers, but not for their staff.

Find the local place that trains lifeguards. The American Red Cross has a directory, or you can contact your local parks & rec department. If they have a pool, they’ll know.
Ask them how to get connected to a lifeguard.

With modern iPhones using inductive charging that follows the same standard as Android, I don’t see the urgency for getting the cables the same.
Get a Qi charger and done.
Cables still have a place, but I see faster Qi charging and universal use of them as far more important and realistic than Apple dropping MFi.

Sounds great. Please provide evidence that voter fraud is more prevalent than voter suppression so we can have a facts-based discussion.

It is absolutely going away. I’ve personally wired up elevators to an analog adapter for VoIP in a location that has NO POTS ability.
Sure, if you ask for POTS, you’ll get something that looks just like it, but all it really does is run analog to a rack in the basement that converts it to VoIP and runs over fiber,

Ideally, you would use conventional Internet combined with a cellular modem that also went over the Internet for alarms.

Correct, which is often the incumbent carrier, at least outside of the major metros.
Vast stretches of this country are limited to a single LEC and maybe a cable operator.
I’m in Indiana, so I’m more knowledgeable about the rural implementations than the urban ones where there is actual competition.

When you look at the digital backend of most landline telephone networks, the only real difference between that and what Comcast offers is that the CO is in your house and the battery backup is inside your modem.

I have a friend at one of the major ILECs, and they simply can’t find people that know POTS, or if they can, they don’t want to pay them for it. It is easy to find people that know TCP/IP and VoIP, and not much harder to get people that know cellular.
POTS takes a lot of repair. It doesn’t like water, and you have to

Speaking of being paranoid and old, I’ve got amateur radios for EmComm. That’s part of why I finally stopped paying for landline.

First, nice fucking language. Is this really worth getting so angry about?

Second, this Comcast service isn’t a landline. It has exactly the same issues you mentioned for cell phones.

Third, even landlines aren’t landlines in many cases. AT&T has been switching their home service to fiber for a while now, and you end up

911 services themselves are not impacted. Comcast’s voice service is impacted, which has taken some NON-EMERGENCY first responder business phones down, but not 911. If you’re running Comcast’s voice service, then yes, 911 is down for you, but not for others who are not using Comcast.

Except this is not landlane service. It is VoIP service.
Comcast’s voice products are basically like Ooma or Vonage, with the exception that it runs on Comcast’s cable network, so they can run QoS and make sure the voice quality is better.
True landlane service also still exists, but is rapidly going away. Landline

Except this is not landline service. It is VoIP service.
Comcast’s voice products are basically like Ooma or Vonage, with the exception that it runs on Comcast’s cable network, so they can run QoS and make sure the voice quality is better.
True landlane service also still exists, but is rapidly going away. Landline

I can still remember hearing how embarrassed the daycare worker was when my 3 year old daughter complained that her vagina hurt.
She has literally never heard a child use the anatomically correct word.
Welcome to Indiana!

I want all of the square millimeters that make up the area around every bulge in the phone to be consumed with a larger battery. The phones are too thin when you consider that thinness comes at the cost of battery life.

the TSA Instagram account, which catalogues some of the ridiculous objects folks have tried to hide after a wild trip

As a network engineer, I do everything in UTC.
DST exists punish users for buying software written by bad programmers.
I really, REALLY wish we’d just make the switch. Airlines and the military get it right with this.

Hoosier here. Yes, we completely suck at time.
When everyone else moved to Daylight Saving time, we were in the Central Time Zone. By the sun, we still should be. The natural line for the ET/CT split is 100% within Ohio, not Indiana!
Still, we thought if moving an hour forward was good for most of the year, we might as