
I have to imagine that the worst one on the list is still several orders of magnitude safer than the Interstate highway I have to drive on to get to the airport.

Wow. To each their own. Won’t tell other couples what they should do.
That said, I can’t imagine having separate finances from my wife. My life affects her life, and her life affects mine.
She now has a chronic illness and is unable to work. What does that look like in a marriage where the finances are separate? Do I

In most cases you are pretty much forced to disclose what you want to earn and what you earned in the past as soon as you have to fill out an application.

Great clarification, thanks!

Careful on this one.
I find my natural form of talking to someone is to ask open-ended and unexpected questions like this, and some people just can’t handle it.
It gets them flustered and upset, and that doesn’t mean they are lying.
I’ve close with several people that are this way, and it is tiring for them to carry on

My favorite local place has $6 growler refills on Tuesdays and $9 the rest of the week, including Sunday which is verboten at liquor and grocery stores.
That’s $1.12 or $1.69 per 12-oz bottle, pretty hard to beat around here.
Plus, I’ll take the freshness of that growler over a bottle that has made the proper trip

I came here to ask the same thing. I need to build more generators and turrets! Cait can wear a potato sack for all I care.

I suppose the people in Flint, Michigan should move so they can get better water, too? Internet is a utility, and should be treated as such. It is certainly an equal utility as telephone, and close behind power and water.
Utilities are understood to be natural monopolies, and should be regulated as such.

Data caps on wireless are far more common than landline broadband.

Your points may be valid for wireless carriers, but are invalid for landline broadband.
There are just too many places where there is only one provider of landline Internet over 10mbit.
Therefore, there is no free market, there is only a monopoly.

From the FAQ:

Ok, so let’s look at my state, Indiana:
Where I live:
“There have been 16 gun deaths in Indiana’s 6th district this year. Rep Luke Messer has voted to expand gun rights since 2013.”
“There have been 134 gun deaths in Indiana’s 7th district this year. Rep André Carson has voted against expanding gun rights sin

That works until the first jerk deletes their spouse’s account during a bitter divorce, turning all of their purchased goodies into digital vapor.

I think the logic is that for everyone except the Google Apps admin, your account is not in your control.
If you’re an employee with a Google Apps account, and you buy $500 worth of movies, music and apps on your Google Apps account and then you’re laid off, all that “property” goes poof!
To me, the simple solution to

Please note that the Google Play Music is unavailable to those of us with Google Apps accounts, even the free ones that many of us set up years ago for our families. I assume this is because they hate us.

I can verify that on Apple Music, 6 people all have their own favorites, play history, etc. They do not overlap in any way except that they depend on the master account to pay for them.

It appears Google’s is the exact same setup. Can’t speak to Spotify.

I live in a small-ish (under 50k) town. My only landline options for internet are 1.5m DSL and Comcast, who I hate.
Less than 1/2 a mile from me, there are no landline options. I have so many family and friends that are without Netflix it is depressing.

“In almost the same way, so how is this “cleaner””

You sound like me when I couldn’t understand why an iPhone was a big deal back when my Windows CE phone could do everything an iPhone could, and more (and in many was, still could today).

Just one big example:

Look at those two pictures you attached. The old page gives

“Maybe building a bridge instead of burning one will open them up to see things from your perspective in the future.”

Exactly. I try to find SOMETHING that stupid hateful people are fired up about that I agree with. Maybe it is who the best basketball team is, or the problem with modern rock music, or the right way to