My life has been bad decisions
My life has been bad decisions
What mask?
If you have ever thought to yourself, “Boy, the PS4 is great, I just wish it had stickers,” then oh man do I have…
I am more excited to see the “cannibal” perks in action.... man, that sounded creepy. what I meant that the game looks very “clean” since f03 and fonv and the animations might be amazing.
I loved playing this every time it was up, about 4 friends and I were sooo in love with it, it was so fun!
How else am I supposed to aim it? :-p
Is that Häkke or Omolon? What perks did you roll?
Not getting paid by Hasbro, not getting paid by Mattel either. I like toy blasters, okay?
I watched through the whole raid. It was so amazing! Of course, it’s a team of pro players, so I believe more casual players will take even longer. Also, this was the normal mode. There’s still hardmode to tackle :) All points to Bungie for designing that monster of a Raid!
I’m pleased to see you made this moral sacrifice on matter of principle in regards to paid DLC. Isn’t that noble? (sarcasm)
Glad you explained how 2015 game economy works.
So... I guess I’ll put in my 2 cents here since I know a few of the people in this group.
There’s nothing wrong with pre ordering, it’s just Kotaku has reverted back to what they were last summer. Pandering for page clicks, and flooding the feed with obscure Japanese culture posts.
“preordering is bad. And also I already preordered it on PSN.”
I literally threw money at the screen.
One time a GM thought he was being all smartass and mean by putting us in a situation where there was a shitload of treasure (we're talking thousands of pounds of platinum and gems and gold) in front of us, we couldn’t come back again, and we could only take what we could carry. When both mages showed him that we had…
The reason Otto’s Irresistible Dance is 8th Level is because it doesn’t allow either a saving throw or magic resistance. No matter how powerful your opponent is (Draco-Lich, Demi-God, Squirrel Girl) you take them off the board for 2-5 rounds- rounds where they can’t hurt you, heal their minions, or teleport away.
Crackdown I had fun with...Crackdown 2...didn't appeal to me for some reason.
Thanks for this. I found that comment incredibly sexist, but we are on Kotaku after all.