Gasmask Lincoln Jackson

I can disagree with your notion that loss of income cannot be proven while also thinking a life sentence for the people responsible if moronic. The two are not mutually exclusive. Next time, try not conflating arguments.

I also find out remarkably amusing that, without ANY context, you call me a conservative. I seriously laughed at that.

Can't best an argument? Call names! A winner is you.

That's where you're wrong. Both Sony and Microsoft can point to exactly how much money they lost over the course of these attacks. So, yeah, try harder.

My guess is "yes".

My guess is "yes".

My point is that you are not the arbiter of what people are permitted to find funny, nor are you their parents.

I'm a human. I do not operate in any capacity 100% of my waking hours, as I am pretty positive no one on Earth does.

And what about those of us who have a Masters in social work who deal with these types all day and actually know what we're taking about when we say Aspergers isn't as debilitating as the general populace might believe? Are WE allowed to make those comments?

I bet you're a fucking riot at parties.

Do you have an ironic beard?

Some re-theming and it would easily be Kickstarter ready.

Boy, I'm sure glad I never suggested they be executed.

Learn. To. Read.

You'll notice i never wished death. I merely said i wouldn't feel an ounce of empathy. Two VERY different things.

If the true face of "Gamergate" were my comment about idiots ceasing to threaten people with revealing information, that would be a good thing, jackass.

Do I think people who use information as a weapon of intimidation and harassment deserve to have sympathy should they meet a tragic end?

No, they do not deserve sympathy.

Did I suggest I would do the shooting? Newp. Did I suggest someone should? Newp. Did I suggest that I'd have zero sympathy if they wound up

Yes, I would.

That I wouldn't cry if they ended up dead for being raging assholes? No. There is no irony there much as there is no irony in not tolerating people who are intolerant.

Don't be stupid.

You're remarkably stupid. It's sad.

You're not really well-versed in reading comprehension, are you? Were did I say anything about "gamergate supporters".

Answer: never. I specifically and explicitly discussed the assholes who are threatening and doxxing.

I would have zero sympathy for any of these assholes that are threatening and doxxing people if they wound up with a bullet in the head. Literally zero sympathy. That might put the brakes on other people trying this shit.