Gasmask Lincoln Jackson

Since you fancy yourself philosophical, why are you not engaging in the most basic of philosophical exercises in which you try to imagine a world in which gender and sex are not the same thing?

Yeah, that's kiiind of what I thought.

Shut up and take my money!

No, seriously. Where do I send money?

Maxibillion. Nice throwback to Disney's Black Hole.

I was JUST thinking this.

You just have to let it get hard first, then polish away!

I stopped reading right here (and this is VERY early in your post):
"n talking to people upset about this decision, most rational minds found a once a week check-in acceptable, or, found the 24 hour check acceptable as long as it wasn't needed if the disc was registered on your account and was in the drive."

If the third company would be more active in acquiring the titles that a broader swath of gaming would be interested in playing, Kotaku would cover said third company more.

As it stands now, the WiiU simply isn't getting the job done.

I'm just happy this-gen systems are getting the game.

That is the most awesome use of that picture I have seen. Well done.

I already do! Via email!

It does not shut it off. It merely does not respond to your commands. Try harder.

Well played.

My eyes say no but my boner says yes.

This really escalated quickly.

Right here. This guy knows what's up.

I've pretty much given up on finding it. I HOPE that Microsoft lets X1 users play the games like it reads because that would be really awesome.

Nothing going on yet. Once ANY thing happens, you better believe I'll be way away from online!

Um, no?

I love State of Decay. I'm saying that I'll take a multiplayer 360 version of this game over a MMO PC version of WarZ every single time.

Ya know what?

I'ma go ahead and put an end to this. I haven't slept much because I'm waitng for my wife to pop this kid out who refuses to enter the launch tube.

I'm being snarky hen I don't need to be. Mea culpa.

I'd be willing to wager they'll do that. If not? Well, that would be a pretty stupid thing to do and I hope they won't be that stupid.