Jason Malmberg

Where the fuck is V?
More like…Randumb ….Bulls.

The meme app will no longer let you type "rape." It immediately erases it.

Normally I would be against this remake but its a great story and you can't really expect the American public to have to learn English just to watch the original.

I doff my cap for someone, anyone, referencing Love Jones in 2014.
I still listen to Here's to the Losers and Powerful Pain Relief a few times a year each.

That Wham! lyric isn't remotely weird. There's lots of beach-themed bars in the world that are nowhere near bodies of water. The "free drinks" bit isn't so much weird as merely a very poor business model. However no cover charge is ever mentioned, so it's possible that it could be very high as a means of offsetting

I think that would just turn into people that disagreed with the Hate song slagging off the Love song as a reaction.

Its like some supervillian took me to an open field in the desert and he keeps throwing entire full Spencers Gifts stores at me and I can hear them coming and crash all around me as I duck and weave and dodge them

It's easy to forget in this enlightened age just how much the world has changed over a relatively short period of time.
Take gay rights for example.
Back in the 80s, being gay meant spending almost all your time in leather bars waiting in the dark for bumbling police officers who were comically given the wrong address

Im actually a pretty big fan and wish that their stuff was more widely known. Unfortunately the same gimmick that got them noticed (those outfits) was also the same one that got them so easily—dismissed. They put out a record in 1995 called Jesus Wept that I think is a legitimately incredible album, but it's hard to

"The Shins will change your life provided that it's been a life lived in a sensory deprivation tank up until this point. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll find them pretty bland."

Hasn't left my rotation in the 20 years since its release and it still grinds and pulses and sears. It might be Mould's finest mission statement overall.
Its also (hate to be that guy but) a really awesome record to work out to: its got a perfect length and the beginning and ending tracks are soft enough to

Im really hoping this AV Club series on '83 touches on nuclear paranoia in the media. If it doesnt, then that's a pretty good sign these are all being written by younger people that werent actually there.

I hope that The Day After (and all the other nuclear paranoia flicks of 83) get featured at some point. You cant really talk about that time without talking about addressing everyone's constant fear of nuclear annihilation.

There has never been a young Jeffrey Tambor. He was born old.

There has never been a young Jeffrey Tambor. He was born old.

Searched "Scavenger Hunt"
No Scavenger Hunt. 
This piece is BULLLLSHIT

Searched "Scavenger Hunt"
No Scavenger Hunt. 
This piece is BULLLLSHIT

Neil does what Neil wants. You should have been clued into that by The Entire Recorded History of Neil Young.

Neil does what Neil wants. You should have been clued into that by The Entire Recorded History of Neil Young.