
You must have read that a long time ago, knife crime is the only real big problem. There is more chance of winning the lottery than being a victim of Gun crime. You have to factor in what people report, in the UK getting mugged is rare, so it would be reported, in the US it's almost something you queue up for during

Yeah, I gathered that...I've read books and everything. Still, put an axe in your boot in the UK and if you got stopped and searched (our police don't really need a reason) you'll soon be experiencing a full body cavity search.

Great but I didn't mean you, I meant the guy I was replying to.

Road obstructions? Sometimes we might have a broken down car...

3 inch blade max to carry. Once we got rid of guns knife crime took over, banned them and slowly the deaths are decreasing. The US might want to try it. We had dunblane, similar to your columbine but we actually did something about it as guns aren't in our constitution. Mind you, religion is and that has killed more

If I lived in the US I would deff carry a gun, especially with all the rappers you have over there! (relax, I'm joking!) I love guns, never fired a handgun as they are illegal over here even in gun clubs but when I am next over there I will try to get to a range and give it a go! Just glad I live in a country where in

Really? He needs a stabbing knife, gun, larger knife and two axes for those?

Now that IS scary. In the UK only criminals carry guns, not even the police carry. As Robin Williams used to say, the police in the UK shout STOP or I'll say STOP again!

on the contrary, I love knives. I was referring to the guy who says he has a stabbing knife as well as a gun and a bigger knife and two hand axes in his car boot...just in case.

in case of what? Zombies? No, seriously, in case of what? Are you a criminal or something? Is the US that bad that a normal bloke really feels the need to have that kinda protection on a normal day to day? Or are you all just paranoid? Serious question.


Pot, kettle...additives...

i said oh for the days...I didn't say I was there at the time.

41 years and counting. My opinion is the only one I am entitled to give! I love the irony of you calling me naive! I am the one who believes our food is too processed to be truly good for you anymore...how is that naive? You think caffeine in everything is a good thing...errr...hello!

Can you read? Did you read my original post? To save you searching I will repost it here:

You are a bit thick aren't you? Put it in everything and it becomes 'overindulgence'.

Exactly, so why add it to everything? You made my point for me.

You will...one day. Google 'bad effects of caffeine'

Maybe it was wishful thinking when I read this as iporn interactive pieces...