
Yeah I also give it an A-, not every episode of AT has to flesh out the mythology or further the story or develop the characters. Sometimes it's good just to have crazy fun.  
Also, how sad was ice king playing with his hair peoplies? My heart did a sad little jig when that happened.

I seriously hope this is about Walt killing Jane, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop since season 3

Or they all drink hemlock. You know, for closure.

He moves to the outback to follow his dream of being a cabaret queen in 'Priscilla Quinn of the Desert'

Holy shit! On my 3rd viewing and I'm still watching through my fingers and shouting at the screen. Damn.

Well, they got really big over time as the youth culture steadily expanded.

Once he opens his line of highly extravagant sandwhich shops he better have a sandwich on the menu called 'Watch the Provolone'

In my humble opinion that would be the best radiohead tattoo. I bet that dudes a hit at parties.

I think a James Blake album is like that dude that you meet while out drinking and you hate his pensiveness and think he's a bit of a boring douche and then after some time you get to know him and realize he's a pretty cool dude and you become good friends.

I actually quite liked the album.

Read the first part of your comment and I was like "what the hell??", read the rest and then I was like "I can dig it"

The end? Or is it really… the beginning?

"Edgy punk singer Miley Cyrus and stoic Rasta gentleman Snoop Lion"

I think Pete WANTS to age into Don but never will be able to due to his massive personality flaws.

Like Scooby doo?

I'd like his next partnership with Gosling to be called Fight. The whole movie is just 2 hours of Gosling cycling through England and getting into fun bicycle adventures with friends.

Well I just splooshed everywhere… Or whatever the male equivalent of that is

Ebert was the one who introduced great films and filmmakers to many, myself especially included. I didn't grow up in the states and when I discovered His writing it felt revolutionary. He kindled my love for film and when I started watching them in earnest His Great movies list was my first stop…

I've spent more time than is healthy wondering if Don Draper ever jacked off… Now I can finally move onto other more worthy pursuits. 

aren't they intolerable the whole year round?