Jason Christopher Roberts

I think it could be one of his best if he cut out all the fluff and focused on the stranger aspects of what's happening. But a lot of it is "wow I'm old, and let me tell you what it's like to be old."

I don't know man, there is some weird and cool payoff in that series. Shit man, even Harry Potter references. That series is inconsistent, but I'm glad I read it.

And how! Boy do I need to defecate!

I'm rereading Insomnia right now, because I couldn't finish it the first time. This novel comes in at a whopping 862 pages. Half of it could be cut. I'm a huge King fan, and I like that he takes his time, but it can definitely be excessive. I'm at a point in the novel where there is just one day left and I'm only at

It's par for the course. The guy pumps out novels like I take dumps.

Ugh, I like Joe Hill and he definitely has promise. But NOS4A2 was not great and while Heart Shaped Box scared the living shit out of me for the first half, the gimmick started to wear off. Horns on the other hand wowed me. Maybe a little too much on the flash backs but the end was perfect.

I'd argue that he still writes fantastic novels and there was never a golden age. 11/22/63 and The Dome are two of my favorites from him and their some of his newest novels.

I haven't read The Cell, so forgive me. But I was under the impression that it was one if his better short stories. It's always near the top of the lists when I'm searching for my next King book to read.

Yeah, man, but the guy pumps out 2-3 400 page novels a year. Which, even the worst of those are better that 75% of published novels. His batting average is crazy high. A couple unsatisfying novels is par for the course. In my opinion, when he strays from his usual form is when he gets himself into trouble. But that

I'm on your side. The criticism already kicking off and all anyone has seen is a minute long teaser for the show. This is so close literally being don't judge a book by it's cover.

I gathered that much, and I didn't question your facts.

What a nasty little backhanded compliment.

Jesus. IMDB doesn't have this much info.

This is the best thing I have ever read.

Really? It's plagiarism for a character to espouse a philosophy now? Should Pizzolatto have created a brand new philosophy for Rust to adhere to? I don't buy it and it's really a non story. The show is steeped in literary and philosophical ideas and references.

I don't mean to call anyone out, but I'm confused. I'm from St. Louis and your bit at the end about segregation doesn't apply. Missouri was a border state during the civil war, with 2 governments that rep'd both sides. While SOME Jim Crowe laws were in effect in the area at the turn of the century, most forms of