Jason A. Howie

I don't dare to joke about this, its a bad jinx that would undoubtedly befall me.

This is nothing new, we always have war plans and contingencies. They're refreshed every few years or when there is a new shift in the geopolitical environment. We have war plans for every possible theater.

Too few people got that reference. Which a part of me thinks is a good thing and the other not so much.

I wonder if they used Rearden Steel...

They did this once before with RadioShack. It failed miserably.

I couldn't dare try that to my camera...

When I sold At&t and VZW iPhones this solved the majority of complaints people had, also charging their phone solved a fairly substantial portion too.

Picard is not amused.

The iPad Mini weighs 308 grams, the Nokia 920 weights 185 grams, this is not a 90 gram difference.

The water would not nearly be that clear... We are talking about the NYC subway system

I suspect I'll see this in Ikea's spring line up.

This would violate international treaties on microbes being introduced to other planets.

This turned out to be staged.

So why is it that when I'm playing mw3 my Internet is fine, but the second I stream a movie my modem loses its signal and has to be reset multiple times to get through a 2 hour movie??

The prevailing currents are going in different directions as well.. The Gulfstream is going north, where as the Pacific Ocean Current is going south.

Obviously. I prefer more information than 140 characters when reading gizmodo otherwise I would just read it from my twitter feed...

Great post..


Check the Show and Tell Pool. I thought the same thing at first but there is some really nice wire management at work here.

Must resist urge to get overly excited...