I may have to get creative this weekend as well.. inbetween my move. Caption: "Jason put down that camera and help me before I drop your tv... *crash*"
I may have to get creative this weekend as well.. inbetween my move. Caption: "Jason put down that camera and help me before I drop your tv... *crash*"
China, Korea, and South American countries use CDMA. Can't be all that bad.
Has to be taken after today, not prior. Other wise I'd have some to submit.
I kept looking at the crane picture, and thinking that's not done by the rule of thirds. Actually it was hurting my brain to look at it..
Damn it, why does Nokia hate CDMA so much?!!? I thought they made nice with qualcomm??
I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.
I like wmo7, but i hate the hardware. Come on nokia give me a reason to drop my iphone. 324pixels, front facing camera, and lte. I know I'll be sacrificing battery for lte, but include a lte switch, simple and effective.
I call shenanigans... on this video
I have been a member of couchsurfing.org for over 4 years now and have been very happy with it. Since joining couch surfing I have met people I would other wise never meet from countries I'd probably never be able to visit. I have hosted and surfed and partied with couch surfers and definitely have heard no…
You actually helped that rep in the store fill his quota, he activated that new line the day you came in to ensure he got the sale. He probably loved you in the end.
I use to work as a store manager for a electronics retailer in New Jersey at a major interstate junction point.
Why no telenav love? I have a HTC EVO, and have used Sprint Navigation(telenav) for a while on previous phones. I attempted to use google navigation 3 or 4 different times, and all three times it was off on the destinations location by 2+ miles. I'm not even talking about house numbers, I've used addresses and other…