
Don’t worry, the first female president is in the Senate right now. They want to elect a trump, fine, it’s Liz Warren time bitches

Sadly no... Its fairly average bills behavior. Side note, Brady once again humiliated the Bills, so the cake can fuck itself.

Thank you typo police. Must be hard walking around, being so much better than everyone else

IF they loose?? Really?

Seriously...... I get lab results in less then 24 hours, but a fake billionaire running for president is still waiting after a week.. I call shenanigans.

To be fair, no its not. the past 20 years have seen a lot of progress.

I’m sure it will be easy to edit out the cauldron collapsing mid lighting

Only 17 right now

This.... a million times THIS! be afraid people.

Someone should tell Teddy boy that this stand could be interpreted as s slight against Israel, a country that has compulsory military service for men and women. That would really make his fish head explode.

We will just keep going to Fenway, thank you very much!

I don’t know, I am a huge proponent of a womans right to choose, but 19 weeks is getting awfully close to viability. How about we make abortions and counseling available so someone doesn’t get into this position to have to chose at 19 weeks, that we make sure that these things are taken care of in the first trimester.

Fuck you Mr. Brown....you brought us down to this girls level.....THIS GIRL!!!! Now I have to hear about this every friggin time i defend GLBT rights for the next thee years, thank you very, very much!!!

Really? I think it would be fascinating to look into the deep dark underbelly of our nations bigots. Just not me... I am serious, i was straight up angry all day for no reason.

I swear someone needs to do an in depth analysis of the Breitbart comments section. I swear it is bizarro land there. It is a clearing house for all the most hateful, shameful, bigoted, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic individuals in the country to come and say anonymously all the things that you cant say out

The Rangers were simply trying to make America great again

Wow.... Really can't un-see that, can you

It’s funny that Palin all of a sudden wants everyone to lay down and respect the will of the voters when she spent the last 7 years running around looking for cameras to shout at telling the American people how wrong they were electing Obama, and how her loony toon base needed to “reload, not retreat”

Fuck you Ted Cruz.....fuck you. you will not make Donald god damn Trump seem like the adult in this race.

he has millions of votes.....MILLIONS! He scares me more than Trump (that seems to be a daily post of mine lately, I should just change my screen name).