
I have an inexpensive pineapple corer. They work like an auger. You lop off the top and then screw the corer into the pineapple. The core ends up going into a hollow tube in the middle of the auger. When you pull the corer out of the pineapple you're left with a long spiral of pineapple and a minimum of waste left

Some are a scam in that they simply advise you to not pay your debt.

"I've had zero debt for over ten years"

"What about if ... 40 hours a week is not compatible with my career choices."

I write software and learned long ago that when I'm at parties it's best to jettison that role immediately.

Professional contractors know how to do a job quickly and inexpensively. I've found that as a homeowner I'm willing to do things that sacrifice speed but make the final product a little bit better.

"I still wasn't prepared for the light fixture to have no stud behind it, though."

I've seen that happen at Harbor Freight.

"sorry, i don't know much about science and the environment, i'm only a biochemist and botanist. i don't know anything about bleach and what it does to humans and other organisms. "

"and after it goes down the drain, the bleach fairy sucks it (and the detergent) out of your pipes."

"prepare a dilute mixture of aloe vera or similar plant extract ( from the garden is ideal of course ), lemon juice, and baking soda,"

Sodium hypochlorite and acetic acid form hypochlorus acid (NaClO + CH3COOH → HClO + CH3COONa) which appears to have some mutagenic properties (at least in bacteria).

"The sales and service folks were clueless, but Google saved the sale. There are a world of things that ONLY enthusiasts know."

Perhaps they meant in contrast to the Aeron, which is going to set you back $600-$1000.

750k or 750MB? The former is microscopic, the latter is fairly substantial.

There's some minor controversy around SPDY due to the fact that the protocol isn't being ratified by a standards body but rather pushed by a single corporate entity (Google). People complain loudly when Microsoft uses that tactic but assume benevolence when Google does it.

"Backlog. I like that. It implies that there is a queue and they are on it. I'll save that for later. "

It could also be flooded with carbon monoxide which keeps meat red longer.

The manufacturers aren't required to disclose the Ammonia because technically it's not an ingredient in the food — it's used to "process" the food.

To add to the pile: I've found that most of my gardening failures come from over-attention, not under-attention.