
Is the MVO equiped for either unimproved runway or regular runway landings?

Hey, now we have Coywolves to thin them out in the cities.

I could go all day explaining how wrong that first sentence is, but the problem is, not only is the sun a G-2V class star that varies on it's luminosity over an 11 year cycle, but Earth's orbit, polar inclination and even tidal extremes are also variables that have to be equated into the overall discussion.

Actually, neither. But I used the best example that most people could relate to. Perhaps it was a bad example, but I do understand the discomfort both sides often feel at most conventions.

Dude, stop and think about it for a second. How would you feel going into Victoria's Secret by yourself with a whole bunch of women there.

Anybody ever thought about doing a Kickstarter for this Con? I figure there's got to be a lot of people who'd love to help fund a con, even if they can't attend. Heck, I'd toss in a few bucks. Just cause I'm strait and live too far away to attend doesn' mean I can't empathize with this Con's problems.

Hmmm... That's for BOTH engines? That doesn't add up right. It was SUPPOSED to be the IVb. (Stupid fingers!)

I seem to remember being told once that an F-14 on full afterburners had more thrust then the Saturn Ib stage of the Saturn V. This was back in the late 1970's, so with the engine upgrades, they probably became even more powerful.

I wouldn't be too awful suprised if the based that beast on the Wart Hog.

Now THAT'S a Forklift to be reconed with!

Soylent Brown. It's made from Lawyers, so eat all you want, we'll make more!

If they can get a good spin on them, I bet the pizzas will go over twice as far! (Of course, you'd have to make sure the toppings are securely fastened to the pizza with a liberal helping of melted cheese on top!)

Tyler, say what you will about Senior Pig, er Peg, but that is one Fuguly looking design!

I hate to tell you folks, at airshows, the DELIBERATELY make that bird as noisey as possible. I've seen them take off and land. When they want to be, they are VERY quiet.

Tyler, don't sweat the repost. Just chalk it up to nostalgia and let it go.

Tyler, the concept seems logical on paper, but three main issues crop up rather quickly.

Depends entirely upon the type of Nuclear Reactor. Laser pumped fusion, no harmful byproducts. Thorium Reactors, depending on the type, either very little to easily reprocessed byproducts with minimal radioactive risks. (Yep, even if you blow it up, only going to scatter low grade radioactive that might increase

Ok, you forgit the most important crew member... Jonesy the Cat! He survived rather well and is the ONLY other survivor of the Nostromo! Be kind of interesting playing the game from the ship's cat's point of view.

Ok, three things.

Slaughtercake kind of makes me think of Heavy Metal. Violence and cheescake.