Running at too high a speed and slammedon the brakes?
Running at too high a speed and slammedon the brakes?
You know, the sad thing is, there ARE houses in Japan that look like that. Not many mind you, as they're considered to be kind of low class in appearenc, but they do exist.
You don't watch Mythbusters do you?
Read the second to the last paragraph again.
Er no, they're supposed to have some sort of instant inflation survival cacoon in case of a catastrophic crash.
Nah couldn't have been. Then she'd be the Scarlet B.... Uh... Never mind....
Now we need Firenado! Burning tumbleweeds are swept up into a EF5 tornado, sweeping both destruction of wind and flame for a thousand miles. Who could stop this 'OBVIOUSLY' man made disaster? And how?
Heck, it looks to me like southern texas is a pretty good area to release a bunch of African Lions. Sure would make hunting a mite more... Interesting...
My theory is that some sort of Apocolypse happens, killing all the other cast members, leaving only him and the Mother. He's dictating all this onto video, while they rebuild the world so the Child will understand teh history of now and understand what happedned back THEN, prior to the Apocolypse. (Also, the father is…
Ok, folks, time to calm down.
I would venture to posit that the Teaxs Politicians seem to be displaying all the symptons of a severe case of Cranial-Rectal Inversion.
Admittedly, while the T-90 is an impressive compremise to a rather difficult issue, as you yourself admitted, the T-90 would not do well against the Abrahms. What you fail to realise is, those Abrahams that have been damaged or lost are sent back to the US for rebuild and Refurbishment. This drastically lowers the…