The fed printing money, the government selling treasures, and politicians insider trading has been going on for centuries. None of that is new or related to EVs.
The fed printing money, the government selling treasures, and politicians insider trading has been going on for centuries. None of that is new or related to EVs.
I got my last speeding ticket at an age of about 25. All of mine were on city streets / state highways.
55 mph in a 15 mph zone. I was cutting through a city park at 1 am. Cop wrote me a ticket for 10 over because I had a clean record. He didn’t know that I had been busted for 70 in a 55 the week before.
When I went to traffic school about 1/2 the class had been ticketed in the same one-light town. A divided 4-lane runs through it and the speed limit drops from 55 to 25 at the city limit which is about a mile from the intersection and tiny cluster of buildings that makes up the town.
How is giving people $7500 tax credits to buy EVs a “cash grab” by government?
It took me about a decade to learn that lesson. From the time I was 16 until I was in my mid-twenties I hovered right at that line of having enough points from speeding tickets to lose my license. I had to start hiring lawyers to knock down tickets to non-moving violations which allowed me to keep my license but cost…
I got a ticket on my motorcycle for 72 to a 55 where the office actually picked up a Mustang going the other way on a divided highway.
Only 21% of New Zealanders are vaccinated.
My wife is a biomedical engineer and she is required to have specific vaccines to work with cadavers or go into the operating room.
I’ve traveled internationally a lot for work and pleasure. I can’t think of a bad interaction with a border agent from another country. All my bad interactions have been with US Border Patrol.
My wife rented a car from Enterprise in Atlanta last year. When she went to turn it back in the worker at the return lot said she was late turning in the car. Long story short - they hadn’t checked the car back in from the previous renter and according to their paperwork they never rented it to my wife.
A union auto job in Mexico is still a coveted blue collar position that pays more than similar jobs. So yes, the union has done some good.
Running a company correctly is missing every deadline?
Musk grew up watching the Jetsons and wants to make a real live Rosey?
I’m guessing you missed how often Musk lies about the state of Tesla’s technology and production readiness.
Build the Model Y as planned.
Looks like a rookie driver tried to turn 90 degrees across the tracks from the access road beside the tracks. You can see the front of the truck is right up against a sign. The truck can’t continue forward and for some reason doesn’t back back off the tracks.
Vinales had trouble with his engine all weekend and asked Yamaha to switch it out. They said no. Engine stalls on restart and forces Vinales to start from pit lane. Bike runs poorly through the race and Vinales decides to force the issue by blowing the engine.
How so?
Interstate 10 would be a good starting point. (Plenty of companies already have autonomous trucks testing on I-10)