
The Iceland gas story is odd.   Are you saying your were charged $150 at every station you filled up or you paid $150 for the option to bring the car back empty?

Don’t bother to exchange money - just visit the ATM when you arrive at the airport.

Musk did not invent reusable rockets.

Yes. In 2002 we replaced my wife’s 2000 Nissan Frontier with a 2003 Jetta Wagon TDI because we couldn’t afford to spend almost $300 a month to fill the tank when she started attending a college 100 miles round trip. It was eye opening to go from 15 mpg to 50 mpg and no longer need to worry about whether we could

Correct. Lordstown Motors an attempt to save face after Trump told UAW workers not take other jobs because Trump wouldn’t let GM close Lordstown Assembly. 

Same as before COVID. I do about 12 trips per year for work.

Which is why Tesla was forced to compensate owners. They sold a car with an advertised range and charge speed. Then they sent out an update that reduced both after the sale.

This absolutely did cost owner’s money if the reduced range means they have to charge at a public charger which are WAY more expensive than charging at home.    It also could be the difference between having the range to make a trip or not.

If you don’t show up and give a defense you are automatically found at fault.

Electrify America does have 350 kW / 800V chargers. Remember EA is owned by VW and Porsche and Audi EVs charge at 800V

Dealers will not stock base F-150s. They don’t do it today with gas trucks and they won’t do it with the F-150 Lightening. They will order one if the customer wants one and is willing to wait for it.

I’m not the only person smart enough to do my job - I am the first person to do it. Someone has to do the training and either you fly the trainer to the people or you fly the people to the trainer.   We do both.

No, fleets aren’t paying MSRP nor are retail customers. Autofleet com has an article called: “2019 Fleet Truck of the Year: Ford F-150". They claim an average fleet price for a base F-150 at $25,243

Zoom doesn’t allow a human to cross the ocean.   I can’t spin wrenches digitally.

Birth rates are below the replacement rate in most wealthy countries (who also use far more resources per capita than poor countries) As people become wealthier they have less children.   If current trends continue to the world’s population will peak about 2050 at around 9 billion people.

Yes, the base model F-150 Lightening will be sold to retail customers along with fleets.

From personal experience - watching Top Gear drive the Transfagarasan Pass on TV isn’t even a fraction of the actual experience of riding it on a motorcycle. (It also isn’t even the best road in Romania)

Well said.   People that are against air travel are against long distance travel period.   Flying is not only the fastest way to cross an ocean it is also the most energy efficient way to do it.

You make the promise so investors give your stock a boost.   VW’s stock price is up 70% since Jan 2020.

Realistically right now EVs are not a good fit for people that can’t charge at home. That is fine - EVs don’t work for everyone. However, 2/3rds of US households live in detached single family homes so we have a LONG way to go before EVs need to work for apartment dwellers or street parkers. EV sales are only 2% right