No, they aren’t going to take it back every month and make sure it works. They will periodically send firmware updates to upgrade the software that detects crashes.
No, they aren’t going to take it back every month and make sure it works. They will periodically send firmware updates to upgrade the software that detects crashes.
Having two incomes and no kids really helps.
I really doubt anyone is going to loan someone $25K to buy a 20 year old car for 2% interest.
Sure, it works as long as everything goes as planned. By the same logic you should borrow as much money as you can to invest in the S&P 500 because historical returns are higher than historical interest rates.
Yes, for day to day use it is best to use the middle 60% of the battery. Slow charging is also better than fast charging. That shouldn’t be an issue for most people with an EV because daily driving distances are generally pretty low and most people charge their EV at home each night.
Yes, Canoo is trying to get Bollinger’s patent invalidated by claiming prior art. Either way Jason has no claim to a patient because he never filed for one. He isn’t getting paid nor can he prevent Bollinger from using his idea.
If you don’t charge a plug-in hybrid it acts like a regular hybrid that is carrying around a couple hundred extra pounds.
You still need a charger at home or work for a PHEV to make sense.
We’ve already had massive inflation in the housing and stock markets. That is where the QE money went.
Do you need a seat belt and seat weight sensor if the car has cameras that continually monitor the driver’s eyes to make sure they are paying attention to the road?
I did. There is no way I would have leased my 2016 Spark EV without the $7500 federal credit.
The Federal EV tax credit is only available to the first buyer of the vehicle which with a lease is the leasing company. I guarantee they took the credit but even if they didn’t you can’t get it if you buy out your lease because you are buying a used car not a new one.
If you read the linked story he didn’t retire he switched careers. He started doing videos, then stand-up comedy, then got on a comedy tour. He kept his medical license for a while but eventually let it expire to do comedy full time.
You are amused by making factually incorrect statements? OK, carry on.
The problem with patients for the little guy is that you have to have the resources to defend a patent. Sure you can have an idea and file a patient. However, if you don’t have the resources to defend that patient it is useless.
It doesn’t matter anymore. US patients are now based on first to file not first to invent. Jason didn’t file for a patient so he has no claim.
By that standard no automaker would get subsidies.
Automakers are not asking the Feds for money. They are stating the obvious that if the Feds want people to completely switch to EVs in the next 10 to 15 years the feds are going to have to give people incentives to buy EVs and spend money to build out charging infrastructure.
Yes, Mexico has decent labor standards. Especially in unionized auto plants.
What was the point?