
i love the scene where don cheadle's character is at home with his wife and they are having a discussion about the kids, and cheadle has absolutely no idea what to do while delivering his lines, so he randomly walks around the bedroom, randomly opening boxes that are scattered all around and running his fingers on the

i love the scene where don cheadle's character is at home with his wife and they are having a discussion about the kids, and cheadle has absolutely no idea what to do while delivering his lines, so he randomly walks around the bedroom, randomly opening boxes that are scattered all around and running his fingers on the

our imaginary A-Ha tribute band: M-hm
our imaginary sheffield pubrock band: The Northern Scumbags
my imaginary dancepunk band: Laokoon Soundsystem

ohmagawd, Jimmy Smits is the Skinner!

Biggest laugh of the night:
Dexter mechanically nodding his head while admitting that marching music helps him think.

not much. it's more of an americana (think calexico vs. rem) album, but great nonetheless.

I always have high hopes for something great, doesn't matter if it's from Park or To or Uwe Boll.

I hated this movie.
A lot.

there's a lot of phoning going on in this film.