Fart Johnson

well when you consider the confederacy traded losing a military battle for having 95% of their demands enshrined in the constitution, that dumb flag makes perfect sense

as well they should be. thankfully since so much of the legislation passed by the republican majority since 2011 has already been thrown out by the courts for being blatantly unconstitutional, often multiple times, it won’t be too difficult to overturn everything else

fun fact: thanks to a clever bit of skullduggery, peggy noonan has exclusive access to the world’s sole remaining source of quaaludes

it was from a politico article about how the nefarious unnamed but probably russian forces will harness the power of no kidding hashtags and memes to sow division among the electorate

the most outrageous thing here is the insinuation that what cnn does in any way approaches journalism

in fact the only abnormal year for supporters of a loser in the primary voting for the other party’s candidate was 2008 when at minimum 25% of clinton supporters backed mccain

can't wait for their follow up: america, no longer the sexy bitch we knew and loved

a wu tang analogy? that’s seriously the hottest take y’all got?

wait, pisspiggranddad is unionizing anchor?

spoiler alerts ya jerk

this is literally the same argument chuds make when someone criticizes their beloved republicans: “b-b-b-but what about the good things they do?”

more people have died as a result of the iraq invasion

walmart around 2:30-3 after the clubs let out is the best time to go. it’s some of the best people watching outside of waffle house or the gathering of the juggalos

he really does live in those future republican voters' heads rent free

wodhouse isn't actually in charge of the ncgop, that's robin hayes the chairman. woodhouse is primarily a spokesidiot

oh did he lose his show or better yet eat a gun on air?

pretty sure the end goal for people still hanging on to electoralism is to completely destroy the republican party and conservatism as a political entity, then split the democratic party so that their establishment becomes the new conservative faction

she just responded to trump calling her a gaywad by offering a doctor's note saying she's not a gaywad

and once again the grand irony of hillshills still bemoaning those dastardly bernie bros not giving abuela her votes she was owed as was her birthright is a significantly higher percentage of petulant clinton supporters voted for mccain in ‘08 than sanders voters who crossed over in ‘16

or y’know controlled opposition