Didn’t even know the strike was still going on.
Didn’t even know the strike was still going on.
I couldn’t care less about this game being on a console, but I’m just so happy it’s coming out. The Metro games are very good.
Dont worry it doesn’t it stops with the last completed ark and the manga is just at the beginning of the next ark
Finally, some more decent free games!
The roots of Halo’s multiplayer, eh? Then I expect melee to require minimum of three hits to kill anybody with full shields except with back shots. I expect no lunge assist, period. I expect that all weapons will be on simple respawn timers and not using checks to ensure only one is present on the map at a time. I…
If, as the screenshot caption states, they’re using character directly from Dota 2, name, looks, and all, which valve developed, then that is stuff valve owns. If they were pulling from Dota 1 only then I’d say that would sorta be fair game in regards to Valve, Blizzard on the other hand would probably want to have a…
I find myself drawn to purchase games for the Switch. I think it’s the excuse of “well now it’s a portable version” is a strong one with me.
That’s some impressive facial animation. How I hoped other AAA games (coff coff mass effect coff coff) could have this kind of production value...
You can now dress Kat from Gravity Rush 2 up like 2B from Nier: Automata. Visor and no-visor variants of 2B’s fashionable outfit are available as a free download from the PlayStation Store. Unfortunately, no corresponding outfit to make Raven look like 9S.
Yeah, now that I think about it, I’d wear them just for the flaming penis effect.
I can solve this. Make a special piece of eyewear in the game that makes female soldiers in multiplayer appear as males to the player wearing them. To balance things out, players wearing these . . . we’ll call them Cock Goggles . . . players wearing Cock Goggles appear as giant flaming penises to everyone else.
I love when developers scream that there’s no market in PC games for them when all they do is release shoddy ports of unoptimized garbage that no one wants to pay for.
Zestiria’s plot was so terrible, which is a shame because it was great for about the first half of the game. Then it just starts falling apart pretty hard.
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.
Nintendo denies Wii U ever existed
Heh, pretty lousy for a developer to complain that we’re cheating when they can’t even outline how the various systems in their own fucking game work to the player.
Egg hatching, distance traveled, the damn three footprints glitch effectively making finding any creatures a guessing game...
Yeah, think I’ll keep…
Local Government: Dear developer, the public is using public parks and we don’t like this. Please remove pokestops so the public will stop utilizing services provided to them, by us, the local government.
I will now play this.
This game was pretty awful. I spent a lot of time playing, but the way they set up their multiplayer (the entire fucking point of the game) was the worst. Even just walking around what they called “lobbies” was a task.