
keeping them updated would require “tremendous operational challenges.”... why? why would you want to keep it updated? the pirate server ran one version and that’s it. That’s what some of the community wanted. They didn’t have to update it. just let it run. I feel like that’s a BS reason.

I need this in my life

it’s not really a big deal honestly, and i never made it out to be one. I even stated twice and this is the third time i’m stating it, I was a fool. (should’ve known better) I have every intention of playing this game over multiple times like I have with past souls games. I felt playing with buddies was more important

I’m all for playing solo, But when a friend wants to play a game with me I don’t say no. Again I’ll reiterate I was a fool for rushing through mine. Sorry you don’t have any Dark soul friends.

I had started the questline for the usurp ending and I ended up missing a vital NPC because one of my friends wanted to rush through an area... I was a fool.

that sith smile.

I don’t... I... what? what is this.

annnndd I’m sold. I’ve heard from friends about the new doom but haven’t actually taken a look. The fact that there IS a multiplayer has me excited and what I just saw in that trailer makes me at least interested in playing it. I wonder how the console versions will handle its fast pace.

I always tapped B every time the pokeball swayed D:

this is disgusting... really? over something as simple as a viral video? D: also great pun at the end there...

yea but if that’s the case then why this article. do you see my point? there was no reason to be upset with konami if the general consensus it that they suck.

Can’t help but feel like this comment is misplaced.

Did you really expect anything else? I mean... Konami has been going to down hill very fast ever since fans found out how they treat their employees... that and Kojimas departure.

something I noticed in the film in the “backstory” parts where Wade is at the bar talking with his buddy about crazy places he’s been the last thing he says is the town that you are currently watching the film in. which to me is grade A quality 4th wall breaking.

is it just me? or is the video player extremely glitchy... this has never happened to me before..

fair enough xD I just chose Ness cause of his hair color.

this is the best.

wait wait can’t believe i didn’t make this joke before but ahem: so it’s basically adventures of cool Ness?

Now I have more than just one-punch man to look forward to!

they’re already out?!?! dang that didn’t take long... huh... Idk if I’ll be getting them though, I didn’t buy Ryu or Lucas. Corrin looks interesting and I never played bayonetta so (plus wtf she’s like a female dante with 4 guns and looks ridiculously overpowered)