haha I just love all the adult idiots. They're so cute. "Oh it thought I said go to the internet hurr hurr hurr". No, it was a command and yes, you are stupid :D
haha I just love all the adult idiots. They're so cute. "Oh it thought I said go to the internet hurr hurr hurr". No, it was a command and yes, you are stupid :D
While it's possible for mewtwo to return even if lucario was confirmed, it's not likely, Sakurai has already said there is a limited character roster due to the 3DS version. lowering the chances of clones. now while lucario wasn't a complete "clone" he was very similar to mewtwo and a replacement. He's also said he'd…
While I'm a big fan of Lucario.. I still want mewtwo to return. Just think about it, the new pokemon x and y made it possible for mewtwo to mega evolve. That would be an awesome concept for a final smash. Mewtwo randomly evolves from x or y versions.
what? I'm sorry but is there a certain heartbeat/rate that gets it to open? because the only thing I can think of is your heart rate is the highest it could be. In which case it implies you would have to get "excited" from the other person. Which would also cause problems. What about the people who couldn't test this…
I don't even collect figures... but I absolutely must have a sad keanu now. If someone takes a picture of sad keanu on the Halo Reach Legendary Edition Statue of noble team (which I have) before I can get to it, I'd be the happiest man alive.
I'm 22, I remember this commercial :)
I miss the days when you weren't limited to how long a password could be. I had this weird song my sister and I came up with that served as the password. No one would guess that. It was a pain to enter though xD
Trying to market something as sexy when it's clearly... so not.. ew.
I wish I could say I liked it too... it's a real neat idea but apparently the computer i'm using just can't freaking run it(which doesn't make any sense, I can run half-life 2 just fine) Too much lag on my end I guess? couldn't jump correctly cause of spkippy lag
I'm sorry... I can't say I liked this post. I'm a console gamer/PC gamer I've had a handheld before(gameboy, SP, DS, 3DS) but it's just not what I like. I like big immersive games with a good story and gameplay that's solid, with online features and the ability to couch co-op. Not everyone has the money for well...…
do... i don't know why i type due...
Seriously? "I bought him call of duty ghosts to make the break-up easier" No that's not how that works. Even IF he was excited for ghosts (Sorry to say I was only a fan of infinity wards call of duty's, you know the actual creators of call of duty?) All that would due is give him a heartbreak and anytime he booted up…
hahahahah waaaaat
I wish I knew about these sooner. This is absolutely hilarious!
If i ever actually saw any of the first few movies... But when it comes to lord of the rings I've never quoted it. As for start wars... I always wondered why their line of toys said "Luke I am your father"
I'd also like to point out that Minecraft is forever updating, The PC version seems to be much much better than their respective console versions.