
You solve this by enforcing strict criminal (not just civil) liability on everyone responsible. If a person or group of people kidnapped and sexually assaulted this woman in exactly the same way the Border Patrol and hospital personnel did, they would be facing the potential of years in jail. The same standard should

I am sickened by this. The lady being "deeply traumatized" is putting it mildly.

every point is *speculation*

How dare a company try to get a return on their investment! The nerve of them trying to save the 'ring.

According to Pistonheads the guy behind the deal is petrolhead who races at the Ring himself. He's already talking about introducing a state-of-the-art monitoring system to increase the safety of tourist drives and other improvements. If anyone gets charged more, it'll be the manufacturers who are so obsessed with the

As a typical non-profit company in public ownership, the Nürburgring has never been forced to make profits. Mis-management led to losses, but the setup originally allowed for maintenance and investment from the funds earned. This all will change dramatically, when a private company has to satisfy investors. Twenty

Well apparently non-profit is driving it right down the shitter, so I see no problem with a for profit organization owning it.

How many gas pumps have you ruined!?!?!?

Looks like it's on British plates. Please let me sincerely apologise for my countryman's shear lack of burnout ability. This Mustang is in the wrong hands and must be either: returned to the USA for a proper burnout or passed on to someone who isn't an idiot.

My scientist boss and I were just discussing this. He posed this: Even if we come up with a fuel that has zero emissions… we're still producing a shitload of heat all the time. Regardless of how environmental effects play out, theres still just a massive output of heat that effects everything. On a short scope its


Those snakes!!

Jack. Ass. Either slow down, or sound a warning or something. That much snow is like wet concrete; super heavy and instantly congealing when it stops moving. Also, if it had set up at all on the road, then the blade is throwing ice chunks as well.

I actually really like the commercial. Many people take the dialogue way too seriously. It was funny.

I totally agree. It's apparently shameful to have pride in our brave new world.

I still don't get all the hate for this ad. How dare we work hard and be rewarded for it! How dare Cadillac target wealthy people who want to give them money!

Winter storms do not have names. It is unscientific, confusing and dangerous to use something that came from a crappy basic cable network's promotions department.

Scumbag Steve moment here.