
Don't forget I-45 in Madisonville!

Houstonian here, pretty much any road that's not a major highway. Rich neighborhood, poor neighborhood, commercial or residential, they ALL look like Gozilla walked down them (Shepherd southbound right hand lane, holy hell. 1 ft dips or jumps in pavement, and if you get in the left lane, turning people will keep you

Came here to say this, since my buddy doesn't post on here, just lurks. I wish he wouldn't sell his Z, beautiful specimen, N/A.

Penske gets a manual, so says the article.

This one's an entrance ramp, but Houston, Allen Parkway onto I-45 South. You have people going 45-70MPH, and you're coming off of a blind elevating sharp turn, and no merging lane. It's even worse when someone decides to stop and wait for traffic. I'm surprised there aren't skeletons from people who waited.

We're a small outfit we a very similar name, GESCO. WESCO is a full line electrical distributor. We're strictly oilfield, no commercial or industrial/refineries.

Anything we can support in the USA and write our Senators with? I'd love a copy of that engineering report, but they'd look at it as "Canadian BS", I'm sure.

Or roast them from the inside, you know, if they're bad...

Don't let someone else's POV make you change your dreams. I'm sure he's just butt-hurt no one will pay $115K for "BVO4EVR".

Haha, sorry, just don't run into any Jalops on here. Washington is good, thinking about an apartment on W. Dallas, or a house with a garage... That's cool, I sell electrical to rigs. Everyone's in O&G here. Nice car and I won't kill you on 290, I drive defensively as hell. Never been in an accident that was my fault

Where do you live in the Heights? I've been looking to move from 290/BW8 area (nice neighborhood, but sketchy ALL around there.) Where do you work? Also, what vert do you have? And bike...

What's your commute like? I can do it when it's 100* out, but when traffic on 610 stops, the A/C goes on...

I use the bluetooth since it hooks up with Siri, and when she isn't being a complete bitch ("Siri, call Dad cell", Siri- "Calling AT&T customer service"), it's really easy to just push the button in my pocket and get directions, start Pandora, etc. I could live without it, but it adds very little weight to the car, so

The lid closed on the keys, they were in car limbo of inside or out...

Yikes on the top speed, but if you were in the 12C, isn't everything pretty slow? I'll be taking mine to the track in November, and I'll certainly GTFO of the way if I see a 12C on my heels, unless rules say you can't pull over...

Good one! More generalizing.

1. Seems pretty harsh to plan to flood millions of peoples homesteads where they have built their lives and have families. Sarcasm and being an asshole are two different things. You've "had this plan for a while." That's not sarcasm, that would be hatred.

Can't reason with someone who generalizes. Have a good day.

Wow, flood millions of people's homes, you sound exactly like what needs to be in a flood. What a dim-witted douche noozle you must be in real life.

Haha, DFW, that's why. Check out Austin, infinitely better than DFW in every way. We do have a shit-ton of bible thumpers, but there's intelligence here, as well. Also, you're*, but in the nicest way possible.