
1 in 100*, and has anything our government touched been fixed?

I will when he parks like that Aston.


If you want to consider everyone else normal, sure! Haha.

If you'll please note the attached picture, you will see the old boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. It's now more of an isosceles shape, with the westernmost point residing somewhere around Pensacola. I hope this helps.

I hear you. Buddy went and did a bucket list item (drive a Ferrari) and did it with a 458. He's happy, so I guess I am for him, but he's a die-hard manual fan. I just don't get it.

Anyone have a guess on price? Manual is a must, though.

I can't wait for this to really take off.

At least it was a convertible :)

I don't mean to power it.


What strip club is classy? LOL.

I'd join! I'm only a few hours away from the border. I'll fly a chase plane...

In Bugatti's feeble defense, leaving the CF naked like that probably gets many layers of UV deterring clear coat. Not $300,000 worth, but worth mentioning.

Want to go halves? The one friend in Houston that would have gone with me is in Florida. None of my other friends care, at all, for F1.

If you still have a source, I'll fly up there PRONTO.

Yes, I'd rely on the carbon shell to save my ass.

Eh, I rent a place before the Belt, so it doesn't suck AS bad. If I stop at Washington for a beer, I usually don't leave until 8, so it's calmed down by then.

Definitely H.W. As for the electric car, I'll only buy one once they are actually better for the environment. I'm not dirt-worshiper, but if they're here to help save the planet, why do they continue to use lithium? I get that it works, but just seems counter-productive.

I work in Gulfgate and live off of 290. I second the beer after work to wait for traffic to die down...