
I raise you one. I left a place, hit the gas, cop had me on my way for 10 over in less than 2 minutes from leaving initially. It was unreal, and also the end of the month. They had 4 guys writing tickets in one parking lot...

Came here to post that, well done.

It's only the 3rd best arm-wrestling movie EVER!?!!? Come on!!!! ;)

Very true, but we will need a period specific QOTD to keep this kind of stuff from surfacing, haha.

Not saying it was the slowest, but it is up way there.

After playing with one Chinese motor in a buddy's gas-station (oh yeah, high class), I will have to pass on that alone. I refuse to think about the rest.

Responsible parenting:

YUP. Glad someone out there sees the forest for the trees...

Thank you for sharing. I want Thorium everything.

I know, but it had to be done. In the name of science, or something...

Hate to do it, but here it is...

The Panamera is slowly inching it's way to Camrydom in terms of shit drivers.

I voted because more of the car is destroyed in an accident.


No white on the front pillar though.

I read that in Krimkee's voice (big Bang Theory) and laughed my ass off.

I learned it on my own, haven't found a use yet...

That's no lie. I love my truck/SUV/mini-van, but damn it's quality sucks ALL OVER.

Hahahaha, she's not a car person; it's why I like to ask her questions.

I try to tell her that, but her family had some serious issues with GM over the years and hates Ford for some reason. I daily a TBSS and it runs like a sewing machine.