
Eh, no hate from anyone around here. Live in Houston, so I can throw a rock in any direction and have a good chance of hitting someone else in the industry. Someone has to get it out of the ground to power my TBSS and the rest of the world, so I might as well make a living doing it. If you want an electric vehicle, be

Did not know that, thank you for sharing.

Be just fine, work in the oil business.

Saw my first just the other day. Felt like I'd seen an LFA.

Mad-genius, that's what all you guys are. Mad-geniuses, all over Jalopnik...

Borrow away. H/C; don't know why I hadn't already.


Do you write these and save them for the perfect day, or they just come to you like a Rainman of awesomeness?

At least this guy's honest and left off the toothpaste.

Thank god for the cameras, because seeing through the flames was becoming a pain.

41 years old? He looks 60 at least...

Pretty much; the world has worn me down.

I kind of figured you were pro, I was meaning the excerpt, but good to know. I'm in Houston and if you don't have a gun, you're crazy.

This has got to be why you're heart-clicked. Nail, meet hammer. EDIT: I swear, I'm half-drunk all the time...

Going to be sensitive for a sec. I hate when defending what's yours is grouped in the same basket as aggression.

True, depends on what it ate.

Gotta point out, the rainbow isn't quite right.

SHO. I was in high school in a town of 4K people in the middle of BFE. Buddy got one at a police auction and let me drive it and I was more than impressed.

I still do; they are great cars.

I wave people in all the time, but I do get that mentality when people are cutting in front of others who have been waiting, ie, me.