
Have a trooper friend that says they won't as long as no one is around. I once got lit up by a cop for doing 96, one mph over the "potentially go to jail" mark. Then, he yelled at my g/f asked why she let me do this. Said he would drag my ass to jail if I wasn't going to my sister's b-day party (which I was.) Dang CAI

Second pic has a ballsy tailgater.


Yep, lived in Kingwood a couple of years ago, and watched the Porter people go NUTS on New Year's with fireworks this past weekend. I was in Kingwood when it snowed for the first time in, I guess, 10 years? That was about 3 years ago... I nearly got T-boned by an idiot too on one of the turn arounds under 59 @

Ferrari Kamikaze then?

Better for the trans as well. I've always used mine (started driving on a stick) and never had to fiddle with the shift-lock over-ride on mine. Have had to rock a girl's car before when she parked on a hill though.

-12C? Where do you live?? That is COLD. It hits freezing here and people FREAK. Ah Houston, what would you do in a blizzard?

I love how most Jalops jump all over someone who goes 100mph on a public highway, but no one has said how stupidly dangerous this is. How far would it take him to straighten up?

Good luck. I need to take my written next month. I took a class that helped a lot (on top of the classroom hours.)

Get my truck back under boost. Maggie's front bracket broke and driving it on a regular belt (in emergencies) is driving me bonkers.

Well, to be honest, I don't think he's all there upstairs after catching a glimpse of him. Politically incorrect, but hey, it is what it is.

"3. A police dog detected dogs."

LOL, go watch Lethal Weapon(s). Thank me later.

Oh, it's real alright. I've actually seen him a few times at that bar (killing off what brain cells, I don't know...) and once on the road. I can't help but laugh. He can't be serious though, or he would have color matched, right? Right?!!??...

I raise you a PVC Mustang.

But 8 wheels good?

If she can't afford a new truck, then I'm willing to be she's pretty far down on the income to start with. I'd say she could probably sell her old one and be ok.