Jared Hagemann

...but, but it's just a copy!

Right, bro. In an environment where goods are mostly sold as "copies," your "it's not really theft," argument no longer works.

Fuck pirates.

Off to buy The Talos Principle just to support this kind of awesome response to shitty, entitled little assholes right now.

Actually, it's about exits in games journalism.

That is interesting. Took a long time for her to get the guts to go through with this. Hopefully Kotaku can keep us updated.

I do think the style is somewhat overrated, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's bad beer.

yeah, and totally understandable that people wouldn't want ANOTHER game. But Kickstarters go bust all the time and leave their backers with squat, so at least folks are getting SOMETHING.

Can it go any slower or be even more of a fat target? Even Transformers wasn't this ridiculous.

Agreed, most of this sounded implausible. Especially the "9 out of 45 customers sent their food back to reheat" part. And definitely when you are telling me 26 of 45 customers spent an average of THREE MINUTES taking pictures of their food then I am just going to go ahead and assume you are a liar.

Yeah, I'm not even the type to immediately assume something as fake, but there is no way in hell 27 tables wanted a group photo.

True! Customers ignoring the food and their waiter because they're too absorbed in their phones is definitely a real problem and highly irritating...but this is just a really nonsensical piece of "evidence".

Yeah, this pretty much reads like a chain email.

MRAs have girlfriends and sex?!?!?!?!?!?!

she didn't get the job and wound up marrying a guy 25 yrs her senior and living as a housewife in Connecticut.

Activate: MALE GAZE.

It's not a Top 15 list. It's "we bought 14 beers and ranked them." I think he's pretty clear about that.

The same people who believe Monsanto is poisoning them with GMO's, Doctors are trying to spread autism to kids via vaccines, and Chemtrails are a government plot to effectively placate the peons.

Except that it would be extremely slick surface. And any treatment or texture would drastically reduce the efficiency of the solar cell. I just don't think the tech is there yet to implement this as a travel surface.

no, it wouldn't. it would be much more economical, feasible, and intelligent to put the panels on the roof or covering the parking lots.

Please don't compare this asinine idea to cars. There is no reason that we should even think of putting solar panels on roads until every rooftop is covered.

Glad to see Gengar at #1. He has been my favorite since the first moment I saw him in the first episode go against Bruno and his Onyx. Pic isn't what I wanted to use but it is still pretty cool.