
Republicans think Abortion is a form of birth control. To them, someone getting an abortion didn’t make a deeply personal and challenging decision about their own future, in fact it’s the opposite. They think it’s like a weekly trip to the fucking store. And because they think that, they are willing to sacrifice every

That honestly sounds like some out of touch COO said it in a board room because they didn’t expect so many people to be mad they gutted a beloved studio over live service projections.

Yes, you are exactly right. After Bungie was bought by Activision, they caught the same bug that hollowed out Blizzard. I think they left Activision in a better place financially but fell backwards afterwards and that’s when the Sony deal came along. Now what we are seeing is a company that sees no future in games like

You don’t lay off Mike Salvatori because you didn’t reach a projected goal, that’s a load of horse shit from the CEO. This is a clear restructuring of the company as they prepare to move away from Destiny and into something else. I suspected Sony bought them to help shore up their live service infrastructure to

Something that was so good about the first RDR was it’s ease of access. It was GTA in the early 20th century and it worked. It was a game you could play however you wanted to, including the online version. RDR2 very much expects you to play the game a certain way and punishes when you don’t.

I just know that they are going to require you to gas up your car or get oil changes in GTA VI. Rockstar is unusually obsessed with including the most menial tasks as game mechanics. I quit playing RDR2 and never picked it back up after the 6th or 7th time I forgot to grab my gun from my horse. I’m playing a game so I

That’s literally how they operate... It is well documented they take a hands off approach to studios, that’s part of the reason studios like 343 struggled early on. Hell, they are allowing ABK workers to unionize. Microsoft isn’t good but they aren’t Amazon.

You know why it was celebrated? Because it means a whole lot of people that miss out on content because they bought a different console no longer have to deal with that. Kotaku loves to ignore how Sony is the biggest driver of behavior like this. Competition will do what it has to stay viable in the market, and that

Kind of rich coming from a company that spent the last 2 1/2 decades building an empire on exclusives and underhanded deals. I’m sure that didn’t at all factor into what we are seeing today.

Honestly, I wish that guy had been a better shot.

Never feel bad for them getting death threats. They are the ones who made it ok. You don’t call your political enemies “demon worshipping pedophiles” to a bunch of mouth breathers that are scared of the devil unless you want violence to ensue. They made their bed, they can sleep in it too.

I can’t explain democrats, but for republicans it’s easy, they are all con artists. Like the people selling “unwoke” alternatives, they have figured out that you don’t have to back up anything with proof, you can just say it, slap something those voters agree with on it, and boom, you just made a bunch of money.

The anger in the GOP over this is so fake. They aren’t mad they can’t “work” They are mad that the plot they schemed for decades and were finally about to enact is getting derailed by people they themselves propped up.

The praying is theatrics. That’s a man who knows the media will report he left the meeting to pray, which will play very well with his voters.

Honestly they do fact check. They just don’t care, which is arguably way worse than people who are clued in. At this point, most republican voters are republican voters because it’s a way to upset people they view as adversaries, rather than people just living along side them.

Honestly let them keep pushing this shit. If they haven’t learned this is a losing issue for them and they want to keep giving moderate voters a reason to flee, let them. Their lies are not nearly as effective on younger generations as it is on older. They are operating from a dated playbook and I think it has a good

Oh I think it’s very clear why they are doing this. Old Benji wants a genocide and the Israeli government can’t let all these high visibility celebrities influence their followers with things like reason and empathy. It unmuddies the water they’ve worked so hard to keep dirty. I can’t begin to tell you how many people

It feels a little different this time. The GOP is in chaos because their normal tactics aren’t working and their coalition of voters is starting to fracture in a big way. They can point to democrats all they want, and in the past that would have worked, but they’ve pushed away all their most reasonable voters over the

This guy trying to turn modding into a business is a problem. If he wants to make money from modding, why not just make games? Oh wait, because actual game development is much harder, and this guy is clearly only wanting to take the quickest path to the nearest dollar.

Check out this guy who came here and doesn’t even know what modding is. Welcome.