
They don’t. They have to prove the EO hurts their state which they can’t. This is all a delay tactic to try and kill the momentum dems have gained since the summer. It should piss everyone off that they’d make this kind of stink of loan forgiveness after they gave away trillions in 2017.

It has more to do with upbringing. They could self reflect, they could improve their lives, but it would never change the fact that they don’t view woman as people. Sex and relationships to incels are less about companionship and love and more about fulfilling physical desires and procreating. Similar to flat

It’s fandom in general. People like this have always existed, it’s just they didn’t have modern internet to use like a megaphone until recently.

How empty is your life exactly that you have to come here to deliver your baseless and frankly idiotic opinion? Alex Jones not in studio today? Needing to scratch that “Waaaaa I’m a victim, pay attention to me” itch?

I’d give them the benefit of the doubt if they would at least release an infection mode. That alone would bring back a substantial amount of players, we know they have the tools to do it, so it begs the question why they haven’t. Microsoft needs to do something, Halo made the Xbox and 343 is dragging it through mud

Microsoft hasn’t cared about console sales for a long time. Their baby now is Gamepass. Sony didn’t think Gamepass was a threat so they slept on it and it really sounds like this Activision thing caught them with their pants down. They are now finding out that Microsoft just had bigger plans in mind for Xbox.

Something like 70% of Playstation owners only own the console for games like COD. Sony is less afraid of it going exclusive, and more afraid that COD being available on gamepass could be quite damaging to their ability to move consoles.

I personally think Phil is choosing his language wisely. He says “at least 3 years” which to me implies it will be more. They’ve obviously noticed they touched a nerve at Sony, I’m curious if the plan is to use this as a bargaining chip.

It won’t go exclusive. Sony is scared because they know if that block of casual gamers is given a cheaper alternative to access COD like Gamepass offers with cloud gaming, They’ll likely just go that route for the game rather than spend a small fortune to own a console.

This is incorrect. Microsoft’s market strategy hasn’t centered around console sales since Xbox one. They are all about live service now. Playstation only thinks Microsoft will make COD exclusive because that’s what they would do.

This is a fucking joke, Playstation has no leg to stand on here, and they are bitching because Microsoft is attacking where they are weakest, something they themselves have done since Playstation 1. Also, why the hell would Microsoft make a game like COD exclusive? They stand to make a lot more money keeping it

Oh man, do I have a great bridge to sale you.

Can ya’ll do anything beyond whine and cry? It’s a serious question. All the adults in the room are getting tired of temper tantrums.

Your number is way too high. It definitely isn’t 60% lol

Don’t you have a con artist to give money to somewhere?

The answer is no. The GOP thought they had the the majority of American’s on their side because Trump won in 2016. The only explanation is they thought overturning Roe would be so popular, they didn’t need to worry about fallout.

Understand, when people like Palin say this. It isn’t because they believe it. They say it to antagonize and radicalize the people who listen. These people know what their rhetoric is doing, that is why they do it.

It’s the internet. A lot of these people will get propped up as deities by right wingers just for espousing their beliefs and it’s intoxicating for them.

Nintendo won’t do that because they don’t have to. Their games are unique enough that they can exist in a space that benefits their console exclusively. Sony basically produces the same game with a new name every year and that practice is starting to catch up with them.

There’s a bunch of stuff on this that this article isn’t talking about. For example, in the America Rescue Plan passed last year, student loans will not accumulate interest if you make the minimum payment each month, or alternatively, if your income is low, it won’t ever increase. While 10k is a drop in the bucket,