
Like I said in an earlier post, you could point all this out to pretty much any evangelical, and they’d just shrug and tell you god works in mysterious ways or some other vague BS to explain the absence of sky daddy. As long as Trump brings them closer to their ultimate goal of triggering the rapture, they’ll keep

Evangelicals believe that they have to trigger the rapture. So, they really don’t give a fuck about any of the shaming, because to them, it’s about getting their ticket to heaven as quick as possible. I would say they are going to be disappointed, but oddly I feel as though they would just deny reality, not sure

Your comment makes me think you are probably the one who is upset....

It’s popular because Gearbox and Ubisoft are doing a good job of cultivating a thriving community. This is exactly how old MMOs (WoW) made their mark in the early years. Without the massive community and hard work of Gearbox, this would just be another mediocre BR game.

The tutorial I believe is part of the long forgotten single player part of the game. It started out as a poorly received survival/fort building game.

This is a very capitalist way to look at education. Why is a liberal arts degree any less valuable in society? Is art not the very thing that drives and changes cultures? Is art not the very thing that helps promote innovation? Just because it isn’t a degree that teaches you to “count real good” doesn’t mean it’s

Don’t forget the numerous economists warning him that this growth is going to stop before the end of next year probably. There is a very good chance we see a major crash before the next presidential election.

I agree, if anything comes of this, it will be more people saying the n word.

We named our cat Hermes, and I did not realize at the time that it’s actually a good cat name apparently. You call his name anywhere in the house and he responds and comes running.

Don’t pity him. He has ALWAYS been a piece of shit human. It’s just now he is a confused piece of shit human.

What’s even more scary are the tens of millions of people that don’t understand what it is either. They can’t wrap their heads around how it happening to anyone, citizen or not, is a slippery slope.

No one is asking CUM to play judge, jury and executioner. He was suspended because he lied about the extent of what he knew. And he has known about this since as long ago as 2009, according to evidence uncovered in text messages between his wife and Courtney Smith.

I kind of feel like she already knew tbh.

It’s half incompetence and half the team owners trying to save their bottom line. A lot of these assholes think of the athletes more as tools for generating revenue.

It’s amazing isn’t it? That she could make a statement like that while simultaneously ignoring the fact that keeping something like a woman’s period a “dirty little secret” is exactly the problem with today’s society.

The importance of this distinction can not be overstated.

Don’t give them credit for something that wasn’t hard to do in the first place. Evangelicals (The majority of his support) are programmed from an early age to accept what they are told when it comes from authority. If you really want to go in depth, this all started with the first monotheistic religions priming

I’m pretty sure that what you said, is exactly what Microsoft wants. It is very clear they have a plan, with the way they’ve been repeating this cross play mantra, there is something at work we probably don’t know yet.

I find it astonishing that Trump can say things like, they can’t do anything about a law because of Democrats, but the administration has zero reservations circumventing every policy and court imaginable if it means getting what they want. Like, why? I just don’t understand why this isn’t something literally every

Historical accuracy? lol. It’s amazing the lengths people will go to, to be as shitty as possible but still hide from their overt shittiness by making an excuse like caring about history. Yea, we get it guys, you are afraid of black people and woman. You don’t have to keep reminding us.