Jared Glentz

but them broke ass bitches at cartoon network are totally fucking us over!


i posted this on oppo A YEAR AGO!

remember they’re powered donuts

step aside ladies!...............heres just a sample of the cars ive dealt with and continue to deal with.

on a unrelated but kinda related note..... how does if feel to be ‘’pending approval’’ rather than be at or near the top? lol

well that douchebag in the van is gonna get jail time!


guess who gets to pay for her fat ass to sit around the rest of her life.... yup your local tax payers!

it where the ass end hangs out to one side while going straight. its something that also happens to semi trailers if the axles dont lock properly into place. hell even buba’s old pos ferd f9000 could do it if the leaf spring shackle is bent.

i was going to say take their wallet and run, but that works too i guess.

Now playing

how does everyone miss the near death car accident from the original gone in 60 seconds!? they had to stop filmiing for several weeks until he recovered. then cuz the legit crash looked cool they left it in the movie!

i shouldnt laugh but.....HAHA

i would like to see the iowa classes running again! there so big you could put pretty much any of the futuristic weapons on them.... like a giant version of the rail gun.... which would make it pretty much impervious to any attack as it would be far away to begin with and anything that did come its way would be

duuuuurr herp derp

i really hope that was suppused to chevy chase a vegas vacation referance.....

why.....why would you sell it before winter...

yes, yes i am. i will need it for pushing cars

yeah well i can sit on my butt and by parts from jegs!