Jaqen H'ghar

Clinton was too cold and distant, and now Harris is too animated. It’s almost like people want women to stop trying to run for office.

People use this same argument to justify the use of performing enhancing drugs. It is unethical to promote winning over the health of players. Furthermore, you end up with a pay-to-win competitive scene. Whoever has the most money is going to win.

Im not sure why but I didn't understand what pipi in your pampers meant until I saw  this meme. 

People talk about videogames being sports in the same vein as the olympics but to me it will always be closest to chess.

When you’re 50ish (Clinton’s age in 1996) and your opponent is 73, you play the age card. When you’re 74 (Trump’s age) and your opponent is 77, the age card doesn’t work so much. Which is what’s made it so laughable.

Ugh, just what we need, the low bitrate MP3 version of streaming games. As if the lag wasn’t bad enough we don’t need MS/Amazon/Google etc trying to save bandwidth by sending out crap video like this claiming it’s good enough, like people tried to claim with 64kbps or 128kbps MP3s.

You’re forgetting the GOP motto: It’s bad except for when I need it and I’ll make sure you cant access it when I’m done.

It still needs to be driven home though. This is an experience that, unlike a Dead Cells or Hades, can be messed up by some bad bugs. We’ve been treated to some very smooth Early Access periods lately, but it’s important to remind people that not all games turn out this way.

When the House voted on DC statehood recently the vote was 232 to 180 with every Republican and just one Democrat voting no. Whatever happens with the Senate remains to be seen and will be determined by the upcoming election, but at least with respect to DC statehood there is no hesitancy in the House. 

Surely you aren’t suggesting this guy would ever do anything to push the markets for his own personal benefit. Surely you’re not saying he would do it while a sitting president. Surely.

I really can’t help but side with facebook here. Your point, or paragraph, at least:
Among the Facebook Group’s rules are “Be kind and courteous, don’t be a douche,” as well as “No hate: don’t be a racist prick, don’t be a homophobe, don’t mess with the Free States Militia”

Many hate groups out there have the same

Umm, let’s not.

You missed the bit about notifying the highway patrol?

Nah Fallout 4 is infinitely better than 76. Most things are, actually.

So please explain what isn’t “vulgar” about portraying transpeople as mentally ill or lending succor to paedophiles and happily becoming the public face of a movement designed to remove rights of transpeople?

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

Animal Crossing is a grind simulator. Doom: Eternal is a cool FPS with little to it beyond good gameplay. TLoU2 is a good game, which I wish had a bit more of the joy from the first game and a bit less darkness and people being shitty. Ghost of Tsushima is basically just Assassin’s Creed, a fine game with few things

Come children, gather round and let me tell you the tale of the days before there were 8 different ESPN stations.  I was raised in the dark ages before direct tv and TiVO, so rich people had satellite, and the rest of us had whatever list of 40 channels that came with your cable package, and 7 of them were C-Span. If

I get how people might think it’s seven because of the little stutter... but if you pause the video at :07 it shows Nick written out eight times. Case closed.