Jaqen H'ghar

Its a hell of a lot better than not playing Bloodborne on the PC at all and anyone who has been a long time Soulsborne fan has dealt with much worse resolution/framerates/framepacing than playing at 720p/30fps on PC. Especially when you consider the difference in lag between a gaming monitor now and a TV in 2015 when

What are you talking about about? They add multiple permanent games on top of the big timed exclusives they add every month. Not only that but not every big game they add every month is a timed exclusive either.  There are things to criticize about Now but its not that.

You magnificent bastard

Not God of War only Bloodborne.  God of War rotated out (at least Now puts the date when games are leaving unlike Games Pass).  Also I dont think you can download games on PC only stream but streaming has gotten much better in even just the past year.  I dont even bother downloading games on ps4 anymore.  Im also

“When people hear NWO, they tend to think of WCW.”  Uhhhh only if you’re from 1999 and just got here and havent been on the internet or existed in the world for the past 4-5 years.

Now playing

I never claim it couldn’t be who you were, I just claimed that if one of the options was it was who you were then you were ignorant. Which is true because, saying stuff like, “I don’t like defining things left or right” and “programmed to believe that all opinions have a left or right wing agenda” says so. I’m gonna

“I run somwhere in the middle”. Ah yes the false balance fallacy otherwise known as the middle of the road fallacy.  Either you ir ignorant or you are trying to launder your conspiracy b.s. behind a veneer of balance and both sided “rationality” that isnt real.  Either way you should know better.  Anyone who claims to

And people want to get rid of kinja which result in getting something exactly like that.

I’m really not a fan of them offering what is available to them on PS Now. Since if you already have PS Now it essentially makes PS Plus pointless and less valuable(except for the fact you have to have it to transfer saves). Especially a month like this month when both games are already on Now.

I mean I can understand

I imagine you can as I have a primary PS4 and a primary PS3.  

All you have to do is change your primary on the website with the PS4. You can just do that when they are there and switch it back when they leave.  As far as I know they dont limit the amount of times you can switch back and forth.  Just how many consoles you can have at once.

^All of this


Actually they werent the only players in the game but a certain Chinese company got kicked out of the country, and the others failed due to there not be space in the market for more than two unless someone comes along that is truly innovative and trying to hijack someone else’s platform is not innovative. Especially

“No tinfoil hat required” says the person with a tinfoil hat on. Also you do realize that FB and others are freely sharing your information with the gov’t right? Not only that but FB is in bed w/ Thiel and Palmer Luckey. Who can do far more nefarious (or at least just as nefarious) sh** w/ your data as China could

Yeah but at least Wallace has done a really good job of realizing what a sh** show she was a part of and being somewhat resentful and calling out the Republicans left and right (including her former colleagues) on MSNBC. I would say she is probably won of the most reformed of any of the former GOPers.

Gotta love the people in the comments who are telling on themselves by using CCP instead of China as a slur.

Anti Chinese skepticism isn’t xenophobia.” Tell that to all these Chinese people here in the US and abroad experiencing straight up xenophobia as well as ither Asians because people are too stupid to see the difference. You know the many who have come out with their experiences talking about the real life

Ill believe everything in this story except anything linked by the Murdoch owned Page Six. If ya’ll have other outlets backing up that story then I’ll buy but just like I dont buy anything Fox News reports on or any of his British outlets report. Im not gonna buy anything Page Six reports no matter how many times

I have a feeling it is the other way around and they are just telling us its not in order to throw everyone off.  After all it wouldnt be the first time theyve lied about something like this before release.  That and the timeline and art direction line up for Knights than Squad.  I mean neither seem tp fit perfectly