Jaqen H'ghar

Oh btw speaking of Musk and repilling...Im guessing that Jalopnik has been quietly Deadspin’d by its new editor and they are hoping no one notices. Cause they suddenly stopped covering anything political as soon as he started and it was right in the middle of Musk’s face off with Alameda so it was an abrupt cut off.

They are most def only making a sequel to tell off the people co-opting their film.

Im almost 100% certain the entire reason they are making a Matrix sequel is so they can make it crystal clear that taking the red pill was an allegory for their own experience and shut down the whole right’s co-opting of it.

We had a cat that hated being held and would use whatever it could to get away from you but somehow it knew better when my daughter was a younger and she would lay on him or eventually try and hold him.  He would still try to get away but he would contort his body in such a way as to not use his claws.

I love the kids just staring in awe at her too bad their mom probably told them something stupid since shes filming her.

I’m just honestly sick of these measly xx cheaters were banned posts that companies throw out as red meat to try and please the people that buy it.  Cause they are only ever a very small percentage of the actual numbers of cheaters and only those ones who are bad at using the cheat software they downloaded from the

let me guess you’re equally as worried about Russia’s influence right?

Medicine changes at such a rapid pace that any doctors that dont keep up on their studies (the exact name of it escapes me right now) and just think whatever they learned at med school and then in their practice is enough to carry them even 30 years later drive me crazy.

What if the nominee everyone who says this actually thought, “isn’t shit” had “rallied the dems” vs fairly losing an election? Seems to me Biden being the victim of Russian and GOP tag teaming is no different than the full court press that would have been done against him had he won the nom and if he couldn’t win the

This screams of someone intentionally doing something to hurt the Biden campaign because it is such a dumb idea. Nevermind the fact that the way it’s getting reported in the media as if it’s either the Biden campaign’s idea or the Democratic Committee’s idea now just lends credence to that. Smith is a seasoned player

You do realize that Elon is supporting the the worst of the companies making “unacceptably high-emission cars” by selling the credits to the companies who don’t even want to bother with EVs just so he can claim his company makes a profit right?  So no it’s not a choice between those to because either way you are

You know the dude who came up with that has said that people like you have coopted it to silence genuine criticisms of Nazis now and he wishes he never came up with it right?

Kinda like how they think they can just meet all these arbitrary rules for the end times and like a genie Jesus will be forced to be summoned back to Earth and smite their enemies.

Amy is such a devastating watch and I was in tears at several points but Im glad I saw it.

Do you really not understand how parts cars work?  

Hey these other auto companies do stuff that isnt right why not the company I like who claim to be better than those two”

Of course its a troll (straight out if the Trump playbook) it got all the news sites to focus on this stupid name instead of the other incredibly dangerous stuff hes been saying and tweeting and is still saying.

At the very least, judging by the women he’s dated, amateur barely 18 porn is the first category he clicks on on pornhub.


“No more NYC Millenials” makes me wonder if Im even reading Jalopnik anymore or Ive stumbled onto TheDrive’s comments.