Jaqen H'ghar

Sony released controllers during this gen that didn’t have colored symbols so I dont’ see why there won’t be controllers they release at some point that won’t have colored symbols.  Especially if they do special editions to celebrate anniversaries like they’ve done in the past.

I mean it’s almost like people forget that Sony released like 30 different color combinations for controllers and consoles (probably more) during this generation. Including many multi-colored ones.

buy a USB extension cable and plug your PS4 controller cable into it and voila your controller is charging and gaming is not over.  

Now playing

Huh that’s weird cause Rich from DF specifically mentioned the controller having longer battery life in the video (in regards to concerns that the new features of the controller like haptic feedback would result in life that is worse) they just put out. Maybe they gleaned that from the interview they did with Cerny or

Yeah I really like it but I think its because Ive been using a white DS4 this whole time so it doesnt look all that different to me. The only thing I dont like is how much bigger it looks cause I have smaller hands.

Well your last point has to do with the fact that cars are often used to launder money and a cashiers check is just another form of cash.  You can thank the patriot act for having to have two forms of ID for that.

I dont know what you mean by that. I stopped playing the game a year ago and even with almost 80 hours in the game I was still finding new planets I had never seen before. You have to actually explore and not just had straight to the center to find them and you have to fully upgrade your hyperdrive in order to make

Batteries have gotten much better since 2012-13.  So even if it does have a lightbar I dont see any reason why it wouldnt he improved unless they had to cut costs somewhere.

Im so sick of this “we didnt actually pay streamers.  We just gave them a bunch of perks that have cash value, or are fringe benefits to insure their loyalty to us. It’s also a surefire way to subconsciously influence them while providing them cover to the FCC and their audience,” excuse these gaming companies keep

Man if you all hate Trump as much as yall claim. I sure hope yall dont plan to keep pulling descriptions like that Trunp/Biden one out once Biden is the nominee. Biden has been up on Trump in Florida since before this happened and by just as much as he is now. What I’m wondering about is why you are pointing out

Hes looking for blackmail evidence.

If the mega rich were to sacrifice just a little and keep paying their employees instead of laying them off then those people would actually spend money (especially when this over with).  Instead they are just thinking about saving their way of life.  

I think you mean since after univision sold them.  The ads all over the place and lists like this didnt start til Spanfeller bought them.

I mean does the Switch even have enough games to make a 12 game list of only Switch games (that arent also WiiU titles)? Especially when this list was first created and the year or two after?

The “the” before climate change is a typo.

God if someone beat Elon to the 400 mile mark that would be amazing. Unless of course Lucid is owned by someone who is just as bad for the electric market space as he is and furthering the cause of the climate change as he is.

Moving to LA when you supposedly left your family to get away from the tabloids is craziness to me. Especially when you are so desperate to do it you couldnt wait til this was over with to do it.

I would like to know how they are ungreyed?

Are you really comparing a GT500, which is the top of the line performance edition of the Mustang thats had many model years to perfect its tuning , to a base model first year run of the Corvette? Especially when the Mustang costs more with an MSRP of $70k?

I mean sure gig workers bece a thing after the recession but those guys only learned that lesson because that model was already rampant in fabs and production facilities well before the recession. Its been the model at places like the auto industry or anywhere in tech that you start off as a contractor and “earn” the