Well crap Ive got a Sky Redline 5 spd w/ only 56k miles on it maybe I should sell it on it BaT.
Well crap Ive got a Sky Redline 5 spd w/ only 56k miles on it maybe I should sell it on it BaT.
Except hatchbacks have improved in gas mileage same as crossovers. So unless your comparing an older car to a new SUV and just not looking at the newer car then this falls apart.
So basically nuke boosting from MW2 all over again. Only this time you cant go booster hunting as a past time.
I think its totally fair to call people out on their bullshit, “for the art” excuses. Especially when they are Russian so more than likely pushing an agenda.
Cant wait for the comments of this article to be astroturfed like everything else regarding this game.
Lol my screen has a crack in it so I read this part, “we all just assumed that was why” as “that was the way” and just assumed you were making a sly Mando reference.
Except its not an objectively great car. People buy it cause there is a cult of personality of Elon that creates an aura of cognitive dissonance where people go out of their way to ignore the problems with their cars build quality. Just watch any Rich Rebuilds video and the numerous issues hes had with his Teslas or…
Thats cause hes Tom Marvolo Riddle.
If Bumblebee fell from the sky Id sure as hell make him copy that yellow LFA in that picture thats for damn sure.
“It’s always been part of the journey, but it’s never been so dependent on buying your way to the best outfit.”
Trump just killed the top Iranian leader in Iraq with an airstrike (basically a declaration of war) and y’all are posting about Marianne Williamson. Not a single post about this on any of the GMG sites. The excision of the staff and certain sites has certainly done the job is was designed to do it seems.
You either die a star attorney putting mobsters in jail for racketeering or live long enough to see yourself become A Ghouliani...
I know whats with that? Plus used to give you all the dlc or the game of the year version of games (especially really old ones like goat) and now they dont.
You mean the the ones that showed Hart still didnt get it when he talked over Lil Nas X as recently as September of this year, you mean those comments?
The show is amazing for people who played the first two games and knew what was going on and werent looking fir the third game to be adapted.
Which is lame cause the show had more to do with the first two games than the third one.
Step 1: Live in Texas
I just wish more games had an item like FFXV that kept your character from leveling while doing sidequests so that you arent some OP badass by the time you decide to tackle the main story making it feel silly for those of us who can help but get distracted by them.
They eventually made ones without the plastic cladding