
I work in higher ed in the UK as an academic coordinator, not in nursing. However cheating is an epidemic through undergrad and postgraduate in all programs - there are a million places to purchase papers and it’s not illegal to buy/sell them. Most UK unis have a minimum requirement to get 50 in all modules, but often

Brave to openly admit it and strong to seek help. We love you, Chaka!

I dislike this book with a fierce passion and this pleases me. Maybe that makes me a cynical jerk but I’m OK with it. Don’t preach for 200 pages about not needing a man and then wrap it up by finding a man to solve all your problems, essentially going against everything you just blabbered on about on your all expenses

Too bad he doesn’t have the balls to declare the referendum as bunk. There is no legal obligation to honour the results - he could still save the country while sacrificing himself and his party but the fragile male British ego will never allow it. Nothing like descending into chaos for the sake of saving one smug

Bojo the bozo. Seems about fitting to run this country full of clowns into the ground

As I said, there are obvious flaws with the way we elect officials. However, that’s our current system and everybody knows that ain’t changing fast. So working with what we’ve got, the PM is privy to the complexities of governing that the average person is not. Some fucking idiot who doesn’t even know what the EU is

and here we are! what a time to be alive.

yup. he was also worried ukip would gain some more seats, so he made the point about the referendum to lure voters from ukip to the tories. great idea! a xenophobic idiot is still a xenophobic idiot, no matter who they vote for.

you let the elected officials make these kinds of decisions. duh. that’s why we pay them a fuck load of a money, why they have a large staff of experts to help with the decision making process, and why they get access to all the information the common person doesn’t have access to/is not able to understand.

cameron wanted to win the election. so he promised a referendum if he was elected, never expecting the british public would be so shortsighted and stupid ... he took a gamble and lost. BIG TIME. and now so have we all.


“functional democracy”? what’s that?

i guess that’s true.

he is despicable. thank fuck he doesn’t have any real power. but he is definitely showing the world what england looks like now. and it ain’t pretty.

truly terrifying how many people believe his baseless, heartless bullshit. listening to his “victory” speech this morning made me feel nauseous. fuck this fucking guy. and everyone who voted with him.

the £ is at it’s lowest point in 30 years as an immediate effect of the decision. the EU is going to crucify the UK in hopes that it will deter other countries from leaving. there will be no easy trade deals. there will be no concessions. scotland will leave, meaning england and wales are left with even fewer

exactly this. i’m a dual citizen and am constantly amazed by how inexpensive life in the uk is compared to life in canada. ok, yes, i live in london so rents and transport are through the roof, but literally every other thing i use in my daily life is half the price it is in canada. or at least, it was ... siiiiiigh.

hey mr politician, do you know how many natural resources england has? oh ... right.

are you in wales? cuz yeah, wales really done fucked themselves right over. it’s almost inconceivable, and yet ...