I star my own comments because I’m pathetic.
I star my own comments because I’m pathetic.
I am soooo gay for the NRA. I love fat old men with micro-penis’
I am such a piece of shit.
I whack off with my left hand on my gun, and my right hand on my micro-penis.
Why am I a racist, asshole troll? Some people are assholes because they’ve been abused or mistreated. I, on the other hand, was simply born piece of shit and have no desire to change.
Like elliptical, I also star my own comments. We are so fucking pathetic.
I star my own comments as well. We are so fucking pathetic.
You want to see disgusting. Take a look at my deformed micro-penis.
Here’s a story: I’m a fucking asshole with a micro-penis.
I have a fetish for tiny hands.
I will watch this because I have no job and I’m totally gay for King Trump, my Lord and God. Granted, this isn’t my beloved Don dancing, but I take what I can get.
I learned how to cut and paste today!!! I am sooo clever, like my mommy told me I am!!!
I star my own comments
I’m a pathetic piece of shit that needs to star his own fucked up comments.
Why do I troll? Maybe because in high school* I was bullied**
As an incel, worthless piece of shit,nazi troll I, of course, fully support slavery. I also like kissing cop ass (literally)....the bigger and fatter and more racist the better (Like you couldn’t guess).
Is it me or do my Orange King’s hands look particularly big and supple in that photo? I can just imagine them.stroking my tiny.....I gotta go take care of something....... I’ll be back to asswipe trolling in a jiffy.
I am a worthless fuck-twat and no one values my opinion.
I spell bigly good like a very stable genius. Everybody says so.
Is it wrong that I just whacked off to a cartoon image of King Trump?. He looks so yummy I couldn’t help myself.