Janine Renard

That's still what we say when get get something off our DVR.

I was thinking that Stan's house was where Henry got it in the first place, since P and E were asking each other about it last episode.

I think I pictured Brian Cox.

Orlando Jones declared on Twitter that he'd love to play Mr. Nancy. I could get behind that.

"Find hungry samurai."

Then Mulder and Scully haul ass to Lollapalooza.

Was that an Observer in the flashback sequences? I bet it was an Observer.

Watching the DVD extras of Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing made me really want to have Shakespeare reading parties. So I did.

You probably say that to every gal in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook.

I usually don't either, but the Mike Zoss building stood out this episode (behind Lou as he surveys the scene of the fire).

¡Señor Truuuuump!

Oh, I know. I'll turn the Horseman into a flea, a harmless little flea. And then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives, I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!! It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, I tell you!

Oh yeah, I had that less-than-great version on DVD… A coworker downloaded/burned the full version for me a few years ago.

That my kind of fella!!


He was pretty patient when I had a coughing fit during the contestant interview segment, even jokingly asked Johnny for some whiskey for me.

Never was interested in watching it, but once you mention all those guys…

I was at the Sounders-Timbers game—priorities!

I'd watch that show so hard.

We did a reading of this play a couple months ago, and "mind scorpions" has become a running joke since then. So I can't not giggle whenever I hear it, even in a Very Serious Trailer such as this.