That one makes me laugh every time.
That one makes me laugh every time.
Upvoted for use of "yawp."
I shouldn't be laughing, but…
Good catch!
I think it's because it's a church he specifically mentioned to Will last season (as part of his mind palace). He wants Will's attention, but not so much attention that everyone knows exactly what city he's in.
"And what shoulder, and what art, / Could twist the sinews of thy heart? / And when thy heart began to beat, / What dread hand? and what dread feet?"
A thing like that!
I'm usually eating, and it's usually something just awful and unworthy of Hannibal (last night it was box mac and cheese).
Logo is the AT&T of websites!
"Your war story is the best war story out of all the war stories."
I turned to my husband and said "Betty, it's time to start cooking all the meth you can." Does that count?
The President Rocket is grounded!
There's one on Vimeo.
"…and the sky's the limit."
He talked at least 3 computers to death!
Wasn't it a Q-induced possible future…?
That Rando stuff cracks me up.
Better than Belize.
For a counterbalance, the bit where Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are pondering the mounted lion head always makes me laugh out loud.
Granny Weatherwax (even though I'm probably more of a Magrat).