
I was just waiting for someone to blame feminists, so thanks. Better 400 000 untested rape kits than one potentially false accusation right?

how come people forgive and forget those that lie about rape? why? thats like one of the most evil things you can do

Yep me neither...not for me or anyone I know. No convictions let alone actual investigations. Stories like these reinforce the idea that men are the ‘real’ victims of rape. I am sure this is somehow feminists fault.

Why can’t I love them both? Why do I have to chose?

I adore her. Always such a class act, in my experience anyways

dude...this was in support of you, not against you. the whole Jessica Alba thang. GET IT?

Anne Hathaway is proof how harsh we are with women, and Jezebel readers are quilty as fuck too. You have celebrity men who raped, beat up and killed women, who were pimps, who said the most awful woman hating stuff and they are still loved here, and everybody is like well yeah I know he raped a little girl and said

Did I said that she didn’t lied? She lied, you know it, I know it. I am just saying that women hating concern trolls were waiting just this, one false report in sea of the millions true. And that if that was false report for some other crime, nobody would be like well that crime is not real. I wonder where are they

...Jessica...? Is that you...?

Saying it happened is hardly reliving it.

People lie all the time about other crimes, and nobody is going to be like well one time that person false accused someone of some crime I don’t believe it know. The only time when people use false report is when rape is in question. So no she didn’t do a huge disservice to women everywhere and especially to real rape

tl:dr - BLAME FEMINISM, GUYZ!!! lol...you crack me up.

I think part of the reason why Jackie is still be treating with some degree of deference is because, as the police chief pointed out, we're not sure what happened to Jackie. Her friends did report that, on the night in question, she did have some abrasion-type marks on her face (although some have speculated she

The summary of comments based on the last article were “I don’t deny that something did happen to her...but I don’t believe anything she said.” The fact that I’m getting so many angry MRAs to this comment prove my original point. Women can’t even discuss our rapes without being vilified. Even if we don’t go to the

Thank you. Im still confused here... wasnt it still pretty likely that she was telling at least SOME truth about what happened?

I can’t recall one story of a woman who reported a rape, her rapist was accused, and justice was served. Meanwhile any time a woman ‘makes it up’ there are thousands upon thousands of articles wherein people can showcase their vicious misogyny in the name of vindicating those innocent men.

I shouldn’t engage you, but OK: why?

Totally within their rights to pursue. And yes, this particular piece of “journalism” was a hack job at best, but if I were ANY frat (and hell yes I’m generalizing) I’d be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally careful about going down this road because the likelihood that nothing suspect or shady or downright rapey ever happened in

Enough with this shame-y bullshit. You’re a fucking asshole.

So, faith is apparently more about outward appearance, than actual belief, according this discrimination against people who don’t wear “church appropriate clothing”.