
I certainly was paranoid at times when I had to take the decision to let them do their own thing. It was scary as fuck. The alternative, though, was to raise kids who were wrapped in cotton wool. Even now that their teens (actually, especially now that their teens) I worry all the time but I'm a firm believer in

People need to stop the fear mongering. Yes, there is a small chance of stranger danger but I would be more likely to keep an eye on people actually in their lives as far as who could bring them harm.

Both people need to own their contribution to relationship problems but cheating is 100% on the cheater. And cheating does actually happen in a vacuum. As my ex told me very clearly 'Our marriage was 99.9% great'. And it was overall great, other than the times he pulled away, which it is now clear were the times

I figure it you give your kids the skills to be aware and not do anything stupid then their chances of surviving childhood are pretty good. At the end of the day if you never let your kid out of your sight and never let them explore a bit on their own how in hell are they going to cope when they grow up?

Agreed. I once saw a father flip out on his kid on the beach because the kid, who was around 10-11, wandered down the beach slightly (and I mean slightly - she was in earshot of her parents). He started screaming, 'People could take you! A bad man could take you and hurt you!' over and over again. Somehow that

She's always had a fondness for lip liner.

I think he was raising his niece. Not sure why but whatever he is he seems to have stepped up to the parenting role. His own mother is a nut job.

I was at a weekend party last summer and a woman there had the deep, deep tan with the nude lip stuff, which she reapplied every five minutes. This was more mesmerising that her boobs, which were fake, huge, and sitting on her clavicle.

Pretty much. Actually, my ex's whole family is just like him (another red flag) in that they all shift blame away from themselves, no matter what. He adores them, naturally. I learned a lot about red flags from that marriage, and much more alert to weirdness.

Oooo...thanks! It wasn't the most fun time in my life but hey, life is too short to waste on a wandering dick. :)

Yes, the things he says are incorrect. Turned out my ex was a serial cheater yet he will continue to say it was my fault he was screwing around. Also, anything we liked, did or had together he now hates, down to which bank we used to certain types of food. That's how much he hates me for divorcing him and 'making' him

Hmmm ...I'm no agony aunt but I'll give it a go. :)

Yeah, that's about the way I play. No need for details. He cheated, we divorced. End of. If I get into a serious relationship at some point I'll probably share details, if only to have the fidelity conversation and exactly how I feel about that.

Good point. In the case of my ex he maintains to this day that I 'made' him cheat (multiple times, it turned out). Oh, and that 'everyone cheats, it's just a physical release'. Sigh.

I suppose it would. I've been dumped, have done the dumping, and sometimes it was mutual. Usually there was some sort of chat involved but not always. A normal relationship history, I suppose.

Yeah, I agree, although I would say it depends on how long it's been since the breakup. For the first year or so after I left him I couldn't say enough bad things about my ex-husband, but then again, he was fucking me over financially and every other which way he could find and I was literally fighting for my life and

Ask why past relationships ended. If they're still bitter or angry or have loads of bad things to say about their ex/s dig further. I say this because I have never had any reason to badmouth any ex, even when the breakup hurt. I knew they were generally good guys. When I divorced my husband it was due to discovering

I thought that Hilary Duff pic was of a photoshopped Pammy.

I should add that while I do stop the kiddos from dominating conversation I also do listen to them and am there for them when they need to talk. I just dislike kids who are allowed to interrupt or dominate conversation, particularly adult conversation. Contribute? Absolutely. Be a part of things? You betcha. Take over

Agree so much. My kids went through a phase where they just monologued continually. I finally told them to take the time to ask others about their days/lives/whatevers.