
Cannot imagine that this guy enjoys one second of this nonsense. Tooling around on mini-bicycles inside, dressing up in cultural outfits that make him look like a doofus. No wonder he wants to fly ambulance copters. I can't imagine any of this is truly satisfying.

No, I find him completely off-putting. He just seems so pleased with himself and such a poser that I just can't get into it.

Love Cher and although I know I should loathe Cotton Eyed Joe it does get me foot a-tappin'.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Christ, Lena, the whole world does not revolve around you. She is the epitome of the Special Snowflake Child.

Late to game but why not play. It's Sunday.

Stop the presses: kids/teens lie.

In her younger years Wintour was extremely fashion forward. Now, she dresses appropriately for her age. She also built her career in fashion from her teens and has the credentials for her position. Kelly O, as much as I find her amusing at times, does not have any fashion background.

Sure, she's not an unattractive woman but she's no fashion standout.

Odd that she's always seemed to lean towards the normal side of sanity in that family. And the other one, with all the kids.

I never understood how Kelly O got the gig in the first place. I mean, do people look at her and think, 'Wow, that is one fashion forward person' or even 'Wow, that person dresses well'? I think she can be quite amusing but the fashion angle always confused me.

I thin Brandi is just earning her keep. Without the drama and the crazy she has no story line. Actually, the show has gone to shit because no one has a story line. Lisa V is basically shilling he restaurants, Lisa R is trying to relevant, the soap actress is ...I don't know what she's doing but wow, what a snotty

Yeah ...no.

I'm so used to seeing Hollywood chiclet teeth that I was taken aback for a moment by her seemingly un-retouched teeth. Refreshing. Wish I could forget the Co$ stuff.

But how did she contribute to film? She was in a handful of films and was mostly a television and standup star. If the Emmy's snub her then I can see a problem. Even her red carpet work was for television.

The skit about smoking ''Three hookers and a bag of crack'

Add Chappelle to that list. And what you sensed about Cosby was that he was an arrogant asshole with a mean streak. I sensed it as well and when I saw RubyWax interview him years ago I realised just what an asshole he was.

As Carlin said, 'Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.' And then came the funny bit, bouncing off that little list. Fuck Cosby.

Bill Cosby needed to be funny. He was not. Never got the raving about his 'comedy'.

Christ, this shit will never end. She made a good point, perhaps backstage elaborated on that point in a slightly middled way, but her message was pretty clear: dispossessed groups need to stick together and support one another. I don't see that she was speaking only for white women or that she was trying to